howdy from texas

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howdy from texas

Post by expensivehugs »

howdy y'all.

i signed up with the name expensivehugs because i couldn't think of a name... i have the astros and yankees on in the background and a fan ran on to the field to hug altuve. they dont show drunk shenanigans on tv to prevent that kind of stuff but the commentator mentioned running out on the field to hug a player cost around 10k and a night in jail... to which my dad says "those are expensive hugs."


i've actually lurked around on futuretimeline since... 2010? never signed up on the forum.

i would like to mention that i am interested not just in far future predictions but near future- specifically the year 2025-2026.
in my lifetime i have witnessed esteemed monks and saints mention a second cataclysm worse than the covid pandemic to take place around 2025-2026.

one monk in particular also predicts that by the year 2029 things will calm down and by 2034 it will be obvious we've entered the new age. curiously enough, this monk also suggested to his audience to research the 1992 rio de janeiro earth summit. he says there were nefarious agendas hidden within. he also says we're in the middle of a, "mini-era" with two warring ideals- civic nationalism vs globalism. this was before COVID19. after COVID19 these warring ideals became self evident with political ideologies reaching peak absurdity.

the motivating factor is always greed.

certainly we're transitioning- i've done a little research on the fourth industrial revolution and the internet of bodies.

has anyone here heard of deagles report? it seems this report also predicts a catastrophe resulting in large population decrease sometime 2025. this confirms the saints who intuitively see something happening around that time.

does anyone here have any information on weather manipulation? i think a lot of this has more to do with transitioning from an old age to a new- the reasons for why things have happened are veiled in mystery, people are fighting each other to expose or prevent the truth. i am predicting the reason for the next catastrophic event has something to do with, "climate change" but moreso mans attempts to control the weather. hope i'm wrong!

well... that's my introduction- filled with conspiracy theory and welcoming criticism!
do share your thoughts.

kind regards,
Rupesh Verma
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Re: howdy from texas

Post by Rupesh Verma »

Hii expensivehugs, i hope to get your expensive hug someday, kidding.
i'm from India and newbie here.
nice to meet you.
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Re: howdy from texas

Post by ººº »

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Re: howdy from texas

Post by weatheriscool »

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