Belarus-Poland Crisis

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Yuli Ban
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Belarus-Poland Crisis

Post by Yuli Ban »

A thread for the ongoing flashpoint

Britain has sent a team of about 10 soldiers to Poland to help Warsaw strengthen its border with Belarus, where groups of migrants have been stranded attempting to cross into the EU.

The troops arrived on Thursday and are expected to spend a few days in the country, including visiting the border at the request of the Polish government to work out if they can repair or toughen the fencing.

The Ministry of Defence said the mission was focused only on “engineering support to address the ongoing situation at the Belarus border”, and insiders said there was no additional plan for British troops to police the border.

Whitehall sources said was appropriate to consider helping Poland given that “it is Belarus that is pushing migrants towards the border”. Any final decision to help will have to be signed off by the defence secretary, Ben Wallace.
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Re: Poland-Belarus Crisis

Post by Ozzie guy »

More or less if anything I hope those fascist countries become more instable.
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Yuli Ban
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Re: Poland-Belarus Crisis

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Russia sent paratroopers to Belarus on Friday, in a show of support for its ally amid tensions over migrants and refugees amassing on the Belarus-Poland border, but two of the Russian soldiers were killed in a parachute accident.

The Russian Defense Ministry said that as part of joint war games, about 250 Russian paratroopers jumped from heavylift Il-76 transport planes into the Grodno region of Belarus, which borders Poland.

The ministry said in a statement later that the two paratroopers’ parachutes collided in a gust of wind and deflated. It noted that one of the soldiers tried to use a reserve chute but the altitude was too low for it to deploy. Both died of their injuries in a hospital.

The ministry said that the paratroopers who took part in the drills re-boarded the transport planes and flew back to Russia after the exercise.
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Re: Poland-Belarus Crisis

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Russia and Belarus flexed their military might for a third time this week near the Poland-Belarus border, where thousands of people are stranded in deplorable conditions, trapped at the center of an intensifying humanitarian and geopolitical crisis.

On Friday, Russia and Belarus held joint paratrooper drills near Poland, exercises the Belarusian defense ministry said were "in connection with the buildup of military activity near the state border of the Republic of Belarus." Two Russian paratroopers died during the maneuvers after their parachutes failed due to strong wind, state news agency TASS reported, citing Russia's defense ministry.
Some 15,000 Polish soldiers have been deployed to Poland's border with Belarus in recent days in reaction to a tense standoff that the European Union, the United States and NATO say is of Belarusian leader Alexander Lukashenko's making.
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Re: Poland-Belarus Crisis

Post by BaobabScion »

Set and Meet Goals wrote: Sat Nov 13, 2021 4:30 am More or less if anything I hope those fascist countries become more instable.
But fascism breeds off instability, so you'd just be fueling the fire and increasing the possibility of a spread of chaos to "non-fascistic" countries.
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Yuli Ban
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Re: Poland-Belarus Crisis

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Violence erupted at the Poland-Belarus border on Tuesday, as migrants desperate to cross into the European Union threw stones at Polish border guards who responded with water cannon and tear gas.

Polish and Belarusian authorities have blamed one another for the ratcheting of tensions on the border, where thousands of people have traveled in the hope of making it into the EU only to find themselves stuck in freezing conditions.
There were chaotic scenes on the Bruzgi-Kuźnica border crossing, where crowds of migrants could be seen breaking up concrete blocks and gathering tree branches to throw toward the Polish side.
Loud bangs rang out over the crowds and a dense cloud of smoke hung overhead. Belarusian state media BeITA reported that the water cannons used by Polish forces sprayed a yellow liquid that caused burning, and that people were suffocating and feeling sick from the smoke. A CNN team was hit by the water fired by Polish guards.
According to BelTA, the deputy head of the Belarusian Armed Forces' Department of Radiation, Chemical and Biological Protection and Ecology, Igor Malyk, told reporters that Polish security forces had used "toxic chemicals" against refugees.
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Re: Poland-Belarus Crisis

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Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki warned on Sunday that the migrant crisis on the Belarus border may be a prelude to "Something much worse", and Poland's border guard said Belarusian forces were still ferrying migrants to the frontier.

"On Saturday ... a group of about 100 very aggressive foreigners, brought to the border by Belarusian servicemen, tried to enter Poland by force," the border guard said on Twitter on Sunday.

A dozen migrants from Iraq, speaking with Lithuanian news portal DELFI over the border with Belarus on Saturday, said they were forcibly brought there in military trucks by Belarus officials, who ignored their wish to go back to Iraq. Hundreds of Poles took part in protests on Saturday to demand help for the migrants.
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Re: Belarus-Poland Crisis

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Western countries continue to tighten the financial "stranglehold" around Alexander Lukashenko's neck, cutting off the channels of supplying Belarus with hard foreign currency.

According to "Banksta" , Deutsche Bank, the largest credit institution in Europe with assets of $ 1.3 trillion, stops servicing payments to state-owned companies, banks and public persons of the Republic of Belarus.

Ukrainian OTP Bank, which has correspondent accounts in Deutsche, informed about this in a letter to clients. Clients of MTBank faced similar problems, which also carried out foreign exchange transactions through Germany, said a representative of one of the major Ukrainian suppliers of oil products.

Payments in both euros and dollars came under restrictions after the United States, the European Union, the United Kingdom and Canada simultaneously introduced another package of sanctions against the Lukashenko regime for repression, human rights violations and attacks on migrants on the border with Poland and Lithuania on December 2.
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Re: Belarus-Poland Crisis

Post by Time_Traveller »

Deputy Chief Of Belarusian Army Warns That Belarus May Be 'Forced' To Invade Poland
Friday, July 8, 2022

The Deputy Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Belarus, Ruslan Kosygin, has said that Belarus may attack their western neighbour Poland and accused them and other neighbouring countries of being puppets of the United States.

Belarus is currently Russia’s only ally in their onslaught in Ukraine, and it was from Belarus where the invasion of northern-Ukraine was launched.

In a rambling statement the Deputy Chief said:

"The territory of Poland, as well as the Baltic countries, is turning into a polygon, where the USA plans to unleash another bloody conflict in Europe against the Russian Federation and its allies. Attempts by individual Polish politicians to initiate the return of the so-called Polish ancestral lands, which means the western regions of Ukraine and Belarus."


"The Polish leadership must understand in the first place. - The territory of Poland with its military infrastructure becomes the primary target of an attack in the event of a conflict, namely decision-making centers, elements of the management system, points of permanent deployment of the national armed forces, arsenals and bases, and as well as critically important objects of their economy and transport infrastructure. The West must clearly understand that our response to any armed provocations will definitely be adequate and tough." ... oland.html
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