Cyberpunk 2077

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Cyberpunk 2077

Post by Nanotechandmorefuture »

Yeah I know you know about the bugs. I had my first time encountering Cyberpunk 2077 bugs to the point I could not play with the 1.3 update but thankfully 1.31 patch fixed it. What are your theories about the portrayal of the future separate from the standard grimy Cyberpunk aesthetic and story for some of you who played it? I'll get a short writeup theory on what I see from having completed the game fully in the meantime.
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Re: Cyberpunk 2077

Post by wjfox »

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Re: Cyberpunk 2077

Post by Nanotechandmorefuture »

Thank you for the response wjfox! I'm glad the series is getting more praise. While the launch did have problems because they stated outright it was catered to PC first I'm sure more people will appreciate the Cyberpunk genre as time goes on to include Cyberpunk 2077. There are so many cool concept art in that game that I need to write it up here sometime. I guess I'll do like funkervogt and make this a somewhat personal thread on what I think about the game.
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Re: Cyberpunk 2077

Post by Yuli Ban »

Mods make Cyberpunk 2077 into a fantastic game

There IS a good game, perhaps even a great game, underneath all the rubbish. CDPR just has to work overtime to clear the way
And remember my friend, future events such as these will affect you in the future
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Re: Cyberpunk 2077

Post by Nanotechandmorefuture »

Yeah it has quite the concepts that if you look at the little things in the game CDPROJEKTRED put their heart and soul in the details. Its a damn shame they made such a detailed game for a generation that is not used to that. I appreciate the work they did because it reminds me of the old school PC games where being curious and looking into the details of everything possible helped you see the big picture and also the amazing universe of the game you play. An easy example of the details CDPROJEKTRED put in Cyberpunk 2077 is the music changes when you fight different enemies so if you forget who you are fighting pay attention to the music and you can use either power weapons or smart linked ones.
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Re: Cyberpunk 2077

Post by Nanotechandmorefuture »

So apparently a modder by the name of LukeRoss is gonna modify Cyberpunk 2077 so it can be played on VR. That is so cool! It may be not be a perfect thing but hey it would be a step towards Full Immersion Virtual Reality Gaming. Hell yeah! :D

As always since this is a mod please be careful. If you do not feel ok with mods on your PC just wait for the official company games even if it is not Cyberpunk 2077 to be VR compatible.
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Re: Cyberpunk 2077

Post by Nanotechandmorefuture »

I saw a comment... not sure if in the chat... that reminded me of the Net in Cyberpunk 2077.

The way the Metaverse looks or will look even in its early stages is precisely what Cyberpunk 2077 was, I presume, aiming for with their portrayal of the futuristic internet. I think people would have freaked out if instead of being code in the Net they would have looked just as real as when you are doing missions offline in the New United States of America. And that does make sense too because with all the futuristic cool stuff in there offline you go to the Net and it looks like that? I think they went easy on everyone.

It seems the future will have you questioning your reality as mentioned somewhere on here (I think it was in chat seriously! Someone said it!). The braindances in the game are the full life experience of someone else in the fullest spectrum possible of sensations as is the tutorial before your first mission. There is no way a futuristic internet would not be just as high tech in the game. A future like that would take some time to get used to that's for sure!
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Re: Cyberpunk 2077

Post by wjfox »

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Re: Cyberpunk 2077

Post by Nanotechandmorefuture »

I do realize at this point with the bumpy start Cyberpunk 2077 got December 2020 that it would be considered a cult classic if more people don't come back to it. I don't know what its actual status is though I do hope it gets appreciated for the work put into the details. Attention to detail is a nice trait to have and it doesn't have to be this super intense thing either it could just be simply paying the slightest attention to obvious little things. The fact that the mission names are song names after you come back to life due to the rock star in your head is a subtle thing that makes me think "darn why didn't I notice that before" and makes you pop out of your passive gaming experience and truly start valuing the artwork you are playing. There are plenty of other small details in game that make you realize the amount of work involved to make it such as the songs telling you who you can use smart guns against and who you cannot.

All these little details are work of an old school mindset that I hope still exists going forth into the future. As it stands with the way our modern society currently is some won't notice this or appreciated and that is a given.

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Re: Cyberpunk 2077

Post by Nanotechandmorefuture »

So I figured I get this out since it won't matter much with all the wild stuff going on. This is the reason why I wanted to post on this thread because not only is it a quality game on PC that got overlooked for some of the very old school "snoop around and ask questions" gameplay encouragement like Deus Ex it also is a preview of some of the things that may come. Most people are pretty dumb as it is and even for the very few, or if this forum ever makes it mainstream a nice amount, that see this they won't get it. Consider this the equivalent of screaming into the void that the film and arts was before the internet took off in the late 90's early 2000's. On some level it is not a bad thing because most people are too damn dumb and why would you want people that can't think for themselves around you? In my younger uneducated days sure I would have considered them but being educated now I don't waste my time. I wish I was younger AND educated so I would not even waste my time with a lot of people in my early life who wasted my time.

Since there is already a thread on the Rothschild Bankers and all that this won't make too many waves. I'm starting to realize Bankers are spicing up their life if there is such an aura around that sort of talk over Central Bankers because the Finance world is pretty boring and as transactional as you can get. Can't live your life boring all the time right?

With that out of the way let's get into it:

SO! Cyberpunk 2077 like all film and arts have their code written into what you see. Some of you picked up the messages and all right away while others need a little guidance. The best thing that helps picking this sort of stuff up is literally taking a film or humanities class and that is how I realized the messages I saw in film years ago. There may be other resources of course. Once you do this you will come to appreciate what it means to have actual art when you can see the messages and most importantly symbolic meaning in a lot of things you are watching. If you the art as it is presented at first you'll miss out what is being conveyed. I lost lots of time this way by not seeing the symbolism involved in lots of films & art
of which video games is another art. Easy example is the symbolism of "night of the living dead & invasion of the body snatchers". The easy symbolism with that is how mindless most people are from those two films if you ignore for a bit the actual story given. And is it wrong? You have seen how most people are for simple things and it is very difficult to find many people who can handle slightly complex conversational subjects. Hence the proper definition used towards most people which is zombies.

In Cyberpunk 2077 you get a general idea of what the world will be in 2077. Simple right? Except it goes far beyond the usual 3 tiers of economic strata in our society as seen now in the 2020s. You see Cyberpunk 2077 is what the world will be after a massive, possibly many, AI(s) handling everything in our world once everything is digital and everyone is hooked up into the system. You see... this is a general idea of WHAT the idealized 500 million globally living humans would live like. In light of the Georgia Guidestones being blown up not too long ago I figured this would get a little focus now that that monument is gone. Like 9/11 I imagine the Georgia Guidestones being blown up worked as a symbolic start to a plan as well. After all... once 9/11 kicked off we had a long standing (bear with me) conservative agitprop era that kept the population under control and passed all sorts of laws in preparation for what is to come to include our digital era we are just starting to see which is quite cool. That lasted for about 20 years from 2001 - 2021 and I keep it at about because COVID in 2020 could count as an end to that hypervigilant aggressive era of assholes. I don't know about you but I don't want to go back to allowing all sorts of idiots to be in charge like those days and I lived through it where I am currently at so no thanks. So with that in mind Georgia Guidestones has kicked off in 2022 a plan that will go to AT LEAST 2077 and possibly 2100 since it is an ongoing effort. And after 2020 we are seeing the start to that plan. Or do you not find it SUSPICIOUS all this climate change talk has ramped up with future tech being highly encouraged like electric cars, Windows 11 which requires a TPM chip that could or could not be shut off, and so much more. It can be cool of course but be aware that it can all be very horrifying very easily. I'm not even going to bother as to saying who could be behind this sort of plan because I'm starting to realize it may even be a cooperative effort from the bottom all the way to the top though a nice one because such a cybertech world requires intelligent people like physicists to maintain and improve upon so its not all that bad. So yeah it would not matter who created and is currently executing the plan because it requires work of others who are needed to maintain this world. At least in some respect the intelligent are still valued even if it doesn't seem that way in every day life.

The very infamous quote of "Maintain Humanity Under 500 Million In Perpetual Balance With Nature" is only one part of the equation. From what I gathered online and over the years here and there pertaining to this whenever it popped up is that the full quote is a bit more troublesome than I thought. I consider it a very humbling thing to be honest. The full quote is to the effect of "Maintain the world population a manageable 1 Billion of which 500 Million will consist of the Chinese and Japanese races due to their upbringing to obey authority without question on a world that will feel empty in perpetual balance with nature". Now as to WHO those other 500 million consist of? Who knows. One thing is for sure the destruction of this monument is not by chance and ties right into what is currently happening now. A signal to start the long standing climate agenda of at least the 1970's with MIT's World3 predictions.

So with that in mind let's do a little analysis of what is presented in CP 2077:

A world where human consciousness lives on either inside androids or as very genetically engineered human beings. The genetically engineered human beings are what some of the older human Japanese Arasaka folks are since they don't rock implants or are not androids themselves. The others it seems are androids with human consciousness inside them if they are not just half human cyborgs. Don't you find it odd after all that our main character V "reboots" back to life? The only way this would be possible is if he is an android with a human consciousness inside him which is horrifying in a way if you think about it. Sure you'll get immortality in this path but at what cost? This is why you get the "cyberpsycho" missions where it is highly encouraged you take the targets in alive. Those are people who realized what reality they are living in. And if you think about it unless you get stripped apart you really don't "die" this way. This is also why Johnny Silverhand's body gets buried in concrete in case his robot body comes online even after getting his consciousness copied earlier in the game. Still scary to me at least because even with the rebooting sequence you are still inside a robot body. If that weren't the case you'd just get a very weak resuscitation of yourself even as a cyborg of you just lying there in the junkyard. Not as sexy as the game sequence that occurs when you are an android in game. This would also explain "Mr. Blue Eyes" who seems to be some sort of agent when you scan him due to his classified criteria. If you take the path that leads you to him at the end of the game he wants you to blow up the Crystal Palace space station. There may be something that android knows about that place that has him wanting someone to do something so drastic. If there is ever a 2nd CP I would hope it starts expanding into this world more and the implications of this all this technology.

Back to the general outlook of Nightmare City:

Like any city it can be problematic in some areas but this is the general idea of a future we are talking about. As you can see in game the poor have it really bad with all sorts of criminals everywhere causing mayhem. If its not the grid being hacked and general cybercrime its another. It seems from my general understanding that the omnipresent AI that controls this world and everyone, and I do mean EVERYONE to include the implanted regular police, seems to send some sort of viruses to the poor areas cyberworld so if hackers want to try anything they get fried. You end up finding a lot of dead net runner bodies if you decide to look around the world in the very obvious poor areas. Pay attention to detail because CD Proyekt RED did so look for the signs that you are in the poor areas and if you snoop around a bit you'll find the bodies. The worst thing so far about these sectors is that if things are so drastic enough the poor eat very terrible food. The gangsters in this part of town who modify their bodies but are too poor to get it done the proper way are eating rotted meat. Never mind the gangsters in this sector look like their faces must stink of rot due to the back alley tech implants they put on their faces. Absolutely awful.

The middle class or average areas are ok and if not for a few people losing their wits ala "cyberpsycho" you would not think much of the world you are living in. Its quite nice and the electric cars of all types populating the roads are a nice view to all this. It makes the reality of Night City less of a Nightmare since you are away from the bad elements. You may end up seeing some of the upper class with their cool cybertech implants and other nice futuristic stuff. Plus all the digital eurodollars help make things interesting and in some areas enjoyable as you go to the club to get drunk. The police here are at minimum cyborgs with all the chips and implants they need for their jobs. There are no human cops with bare minimum cybertech like the previous strata. The criminals here are a bit better behaved with nicer implants that seem to be professionally installed. It also seems the AI starts taking a more relaxed approach to things so you don't notice its presence here unless you try to actively hack something. I say that because there are not as many bodies in this area that seem to be from AI frying.

The upper class is where you see Night City in its glory with all the futuristic cyberteched people as part of the upper class. May some people not be androids/cyborgs and just highly genetically engineered/advanced humans? Sure but for the games' sake they are not in Night City. Maybe they are on that space station or somewhere else in the CP 2077 world. The entertainment here and life in general makes you forget all about the other two tiers of life and you can quite possibly live a very good immortal life this way. Kerry shows you the spots and upper class sectors of the city and boy are they nice. It makes it truly pleasing this way and if stock options and whatnot were in play you'd probably live a nice experience 24/7 getting passive digital currency. Probably one of the nicer places or tiers really of life in this world and the way it should be. I can't remember the last time you ever encounter gangsters here to be honest. I believe they get removed or deliberately kept away which would fit the nature of an upper class area. Maybe white collar crimes exist per usual but so far nothing as typical as the direct violence seen in the other two tiers can be found here. The police at this point in this segment of society are indistinguishable from the fully implanted SWAT cops and probably have that omnipresent AI controlling them and giving orders.

Now as to the general demographics and outlook of the Night City environments and surroundings:

Remember that "500 Million will be Chinese and Japanese" quote? Guess what you see the most of? You guessed it.. Asians. And true to the Cyberpunk genre they are Japanese & Chinese in this world with the Chinese being sparse for some reason. There are a few Asians with Hispanic names and guess what that is accurate too. A Hispanic is normally just a misplaced Asian anyways going by historic fact so they fit right in especially when you analyze the similarities in Asian faces with Hispanics. I'm not sure what to think of the Whites since it seems to be a toss up between they either live here in abundance or are at 50 percent of the population with the Asians living in relative harmony. The Blacks in general will not seem to fare well here because it seems either the AI or just the society in general sends them to live out in isolation with people who do not want any part of Night City like the roving gangs of clans out there. I think the AI will eventually end up frying them as seen in the Campaign when it fries the voodoo lady since you can only tinker on the net for so long. And the way they were presented before I ever thought of doing an analysis back in 2020 was that they are not to be trusted far more than everyone else. Think what you want but I kind of realized this after the fact which I find strange because normally I have to actively think using my mind to pick up on what art is saying. Its not racist instead that is the impression I get when you find the few blacks that exist behave strangely and are focused on criminality 1st before anything else. Hispanics seem to have been assimilated into the Asian races which, again, is not hard considering most already look Asian by default so a Japanese woman can comfortably fit right in as a spouse.
It does seem some of subsegments of races in the Whites get sent to criminality if the Russians in game are any indication so for some odd reason some folks end up there.

That omnipresent AI... I think the world of CP 2077 may be as liberal as it can get with such an overlord. Because the alternative is such a restrictive world that not even the roving bands of clans would tolerate much less live in never mind those living in poverty in Night City. Remember that on the supposed outskirts of Night City that if you try to check out the tunnels before the game's end you get a digital fence warning you not to go ahead. There is also a grid of sorts that prevents anyone from leaving the area at first, and even later if you decide to take the tunnels to Mexico, since if you stay in denied areas a literal AC130 strike gets called to obliterate any android caught out there. Things like that make me think the grid is far more interconnected than one may think regardless of distance. It also would make the cocky cyborgs seen in game think twice since they could literally get viruses and daemons that disable them for the time being or worse from the AI. That's before considering, as seen in game, that the cybertech implants can read your mind, memories, record anything as needed and if later required edit as needed. This would go for everyone especially the world government's very own police and government members because as you can see in the game they are implanted with cybertech at the bare minimum so there is no way they escape that grid and not have the AI control them too. So freedom in a restrictive world would be a lie with such a tight worldwide grid including the satellites and all that would make the idea of the Aldecados a fallacy since no one would be able to escape Night City if only at first. But thankfully the world of CP 2077 is very free and liberal so while those can be considerations everyone is left to live their lives as needed.

The one thing I will say that seems to be a constant is that anything goes in the poor side of town it seems and I do mean ANYTHING. If you played the game and the side missions you will do one that takes you to the NW side of the poor area and you meet some dudes who sell to other equally crazy dudes some insane mind memory scans. The reason why it is left as is without a success or fail if you do or don't do anything to those two braindance selling dudes is that it is presumed if society is in such decay in the CP 2077 era then nothing is off limits to the people living there. I mean people are already pretty degenerate as it is in 2022 but this is next level stuff we are talking about here. To the point that I don't see it possible but if such a containment zone is so wild that it allows anything then that was only the beginning of what a zoo this sector would be. If anyone is old enough to remember the 90's and 2000's like I did then you remember Ogrish, Liveleak and stuff like Limewire then you remember what a wild west it became when the internet got some actual speed. I did not do anything crazy myself though I will say my first intro to finding a rap song that was popular at the time (forgot which) on Limewire was getting instead videos from Dagestan of a Russian man getting a knife in the throat and other Russians getting the same treatment in a different video. Then Ogrish and Liveleak showed me so much stuff that was being recorded during the GWOT that I have not been the same since. For the past 20 years it has been quite an experience seeing how easily available such graphic imagery can be in the supposed sanitized internet of just recently so it would not surprise me in such a hypertech world that it would be just as unhinged if you went off the usual social scenes or digital worlds in CP 2077.

So in summary:

The general idea of the world of Cyberpunk 2077 is one that takes our currently existing one and launches it into a hypertech alien world that you do
not know what to think of. The world seems to have reached its sustainable goal at the cost of whatever happened in the years prior to 2077 to ensure that sustainable climate change goal. Some things are great, some good, some bad, some very bad just like today in 2022. All in all it can be an interesting insight into the future so its nice to keep in mind. A lot of artwork shows some things that can be/will be incorporated into the future so its always great to see what will be shown in new games as well as film and arts. A well made game with few problems that is overlooked because it wants you to use your brain instead of mindlessly being led around.
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