Lets talk about male pregnancy!

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Lets talk about male pregnancy!

Post by weatheriscool »

Lets talk about male pregnancy! I want to see womb transplanted into men that allows them to have babies in the future! Everyone should be able to have children. It should be a right to be able to have your own child and have as many as you wish.

Did you know that all the legal power of custody is in the hands of the person that birthed the child? This is the truth here in the Good old United states of America. This is reality. Why should men be robbed of their children? Since this is the fucking reality of it, well, I support putting wombs in men and letting them have their own babies. They can be the primary parent! They can have all the legal rights and won't be fucked out of their child. I feel so sorry for them as I read how many are killing themselves over being robbed and living in a living hell. :( These men should be able to walk away and have their own children. They shouldn't live a life of depression and even commit suicide over the actions of another cruel and evil person.

Sounds like a good idea to me.

Please post the latest science and advancement towards this wonderful dream of equality and what is right!
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Re: Lets talk about male pregnancy!

Post by Jakob »

Almost no one would willingly go through pregnancy if there were some other way to have a child. For men, they can achieve this by knocking up a woman. Women can't right now but once artificial wombs are properly developed and deployed en masse, they'll have other options too. At which point, like 99.9% of them will likely decide to have kids without going through excruciating pain and risking their lives and careers.
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Re: Lets talk about male pregnancy!

Post by Vakanai »

While some men may choose to become pregnant and carry a child to term, I don't see it becoming commonplace once the technology is available. What I do see is fewer and fewer women dealing with pregnancy, preferring to offload pregnancy to an artificial womb.
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Re: Lets talk about male pregnancy!

Post by raklian »

Not sure if there is any point when we will have artificial wombs not too far into the future.
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