Ferdinand Events

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Ferdinand Events

Post by Ken_J »

Ferdinand Events: Before the great war there were many conflicts and points of tension. Eventually tensions in several areas were primed all at the same time, but could well have died down or faded back, even been resolved through efforts and actions of the parties involved... But the Arch Duke Ferdinand was assasinated, lighting off so much socio-political tension that all those primed situations lit off into what became the great war, and later called world war one.

The world will often prime conflicts and they ebb and flow. Sometimes we will get priming on many fronts. Sometimes events will go off even. But when there are several primed situations that stay primed long enough and enough of them are primed at the same time, it's worth looking around to identify and Ferdinand events that might ignite them all at the same time and launch us into a new great war.

What Ferdinand events can we suspect in current events?
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Re: Ferdinand Events

Post by funkervogt »

Pre-WWI Europe was a unique geopolitical and diplomatic environment that I don't think has a modern counterpart.
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