"The Metaverse" demo video

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"The Metaverse" demo video

Post by funkervogt »

Mark Zuckerberg released this yesterday.

The middle third of it is boring and vague, IMO, so skip it.

Highlights that I think are important:

10:29 - The Metaverse won't be mainstream for another 5 - 10 years. Even at that point, only some of the features demoed in the video will be implemented.

11:10 - There will be a market for downloadable environmental surroundings for your "Horizon Home." You could make money setting up 360 degree cameras in distinctive places like the top of Mt. Everest or a lively neighborhood in Paris, recording sound and footage for a few hours, and turning it into a live-action VR background that other people could download and set as the world outside of their Home.

25:00 - AR gym sessions where you see other people working out around you is a very feasible application. It's just Peloton in AR/VR. The tech will also make it much easier to work with personal trainers (this is mentioned at 57:30). I'm skeptical of the other use cases shown in this portion of the video. For example, how do you play basketball with people in VR without an actual ball? Without accurate tactile feedback from an actual basketball in your hand, you would be constantly messing up.

29:50 - He makes excellent points about the benefits of telework.

36:40 - The Metaverse "might reach" a billion people in ten years.

58:00 - Little bit about Facebook's VR eyewear tech.

1:00:00 - Little bit about their AR tech. Disappointing.

1:02:00 - "A dozen major breakthroughs" are needed to bring the Metaverse into existence. The demo video gets interesting again at this point.

1:06:00 - Creating a 1:1 virtual avatar of yourself will make all your important biometric data downloadable by other people. Imagine China or Russia hacking into the Metaverse's database of avatars someday, and feeding it into their mass surveillance systems that were equipped with facial recognition technology.

1:10:23 - "Some of this is a long way off."
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