Time eating games

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Ozzie guy
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Time eating games

Post by Ozzie guy »

The back of my mind has been brainstorming games that will make time feel faster whist I wait for 2030 (as its a common AGI date). Here are some of my ideas I would love others to share their ideas as well.
  • Watch one episode of a tv show daily, now most tv series will chew up more than 2 months and some shows like the Simpsons will chew up over 2 years! Most people watch more than one episode of Tv a day so this will actually help you save time. TV series will give you a sense of time and you will actually be excited to watch an episode the next day rather than binge watching
  • You can do the above but with book chapters/chunks of pages. It feels like it would be best to do one at a time finish the book one day at a time before your allowed to watch fiction tv or vice versa with tv series.
  • Same as above with video games maybe 30 minutes or an hour a day.
I had some other ideas that felt to complicated to explain.
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Re: Time eating games

Post by caltrek »

^^^ NPR had a recent story based on a selected "winner" of a homework assignment. The assignment was to make a You Tube style documentary. The topic was people who suffered as a result of gun violence and featured interviews with three victims. One of the victims had lost a child to gun violence and was also related to one of the students involved in making the production.

I think that is a very good idea for our schools. Instead of teaching children through expecting them to passively absorb knowledge, they should be actively engaged in producing efforts in the various media used in their education. One of my best learning experiences, in a Junior High School that I otherwise hated, was collaborating with other students to prepare a presentation that was then made to our classmates. The popularity of our particular presentation was very gratifying and served as an example to encourage others in the round of presentations that followed the first round.
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Ozzie guy
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Re: Time eating games

Post by Ozzie guy »

The "game" I will play is working through the book "hands on Chaos Magick" each day I can, it should take 6 - 18 months to finish imo.

At worst I will be better than almost everyone at meditation, focus and intent. Whist chewing up a significant amount of time, feeling the positive effects of placebo effects and feeling like I am on a fun adventure learning something Magical. At best Magick actually works somehow and gives me power maybe it could if our universe was a simulation etc.

To make sure this game is a positive life change I will spend less time on other pointless hobbies so my time spent being productive is not reduced. This is needed to also make the hobby feel like a time eating fun game as otherwise it will feel like a forced hobby which will suck compared to hobbies I don't need to do.
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