Jordan Peterson discussions

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Ozzie guy
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Jordan Peterson discussions

Post by Ozzie guy »

If I recall his name correctly Eaco liked to talk about Jordan Peterson and we had a few discussions about him, I mentioned one thing I disliked about him today (I don't know enough about him to like or dislike him I just disliked one thing) and I realized I should probably make a thread for Jordan Peterson related things.
Edward Muniz
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Re: Jordan Peterson discussions

Post by Edward Muniz »

I am in the same position. I really don't know anything about the man. I did read this recently: ... -new-book/

By Katha Pollit
May 18, 2021
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Re: Jordan Peterson discussions

Post by eacao »

Yeonmi Park was born in North Korea. As a child, she and other North Koreans would catch grasshoppers and dragonflies, then cook them with a lighter. This was their only source of protein so in the Spring, many people would die from malnutrition. She and her sister were always consumed by starvation. The feeling of hunger dominated every aspect of their life. She would dream of bread, and when she was awake she would fantasise about bread. She and her sister had never been full so couldn't conceptualise it, and would pass the time by one-upping each other talking about how much they could eat--"I could eat a train of food", "I could eat a whole mountain" etc. In North Korea, a bowl of rice is a luxury. Usually what constitutes as food is primarily watery soup to at least fill the belly.

Once she had a stomach ache so her mother took her to a hospital. There was no electricity so obviously no medical equipment. Nurses would use one needle for all patients. People in North Korea don't die from cancer or heart disease, they died from malnutrition and infection. The halls of the hospital were littered by corpses who were being eaten by rats. Children at this hospital would then chase and eat the rats until they themselves died, and other rats would eat them. Yeonmi says this was the cycle of rats eating people, people eating the rats, then the rats eating the people. The doctor diagnosed Yeonmi with appendicitis so operated on her that afternoon without anaesthesia. Once cut into her abdomen, he realised she in fact was simply suffering from malnutrition and closed her back up.

To live to 60 was to live an extraordinarily long life. Usually, once the supply of insects disappeared in Spring, the elderly would die. Yeonmi's grandmother died years before reaching 60 and those around her agreed this was a ripe age.

Under the total informational blackout within North Korea, Yeonmi had no concept of the outside world. Nevertheless, after a series of circumstances, she got in contact with a woman who claimed she could get Yeonmi out of North Korea. Now 13 years old, Yeonmi took the offer and was taken to China where her mother was promptly raped in front of her. Yeonmi, her sister, and her mother were sold separately as sex slaves to Chinese buyers. After a harrowing set of years, Yeonmi managed to escape to South Korea. There, she read Orwell's Animal Farm, which she claims she was able to read as non-fiction and finally grasped the concept of "freedom", which was a bizarre word she had first encountered among Christian missionaries in China (who got her to South Korea), but meant nothing to her beforehand. Eventually, she would wind up studying at Columbia University in New York, which nearly sapped all of her hope.

Jordan Peterson speaks with Yeonmi Park for 2 hours in one of the most intense discussions I've ever sat through. She's a remarkable woman and I'm indescribably grateful to have these two share their discussion online, free of charge.

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"Nearly all men can endure adversity. If you want to test a man's character, give him power",
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Re: Jordan Peterson discussions

Post by erowind »

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Re: Jordan Peterson discussions

Post by eacao »

Peterson speaks with Muraresku and Ruck.

Muraresku is one of the most interesting gents on the planet. He's a student of the classics and a registered lawyer in the U.S., but put his life on hold 12 years ago to investigate the use of psychedelic compounds in the pagan religions preceding christianity, and in the early eucharist. He's spoken with Joe Rogan about the Eleusinian Mysteries and the presence of Ergot in all manner of ancient artefacts.

Peterson spoken about the positive impact (clinically speaking) psilocybin has had on the lives of trial participants several times in the past. This podcast is a long form discussion on the topic.

I highly recommend watching Muraresku's discussion with Joe Rogan as well. That's available exclusively on Spotify

Last edited by eacao on Mon Aug 02, 2021 4:49 am, edited 1 time in total.
"You don't decide your future. You decide your habits, and your habits decide your future",
"Nearly all men can endure adversity. If you want to test a man's character, give him power",
"If you're going through Hell, keep going".
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Ozzie guy
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Re: Jordan Peterson discussions

Post by Ozzie guy »

I am implementing Jordan's recommendation of cleaning my room daily.
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