The Singularity - Official Thread

Talk about scientific and technological developments in the future
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Re: The Singularity - Official Thread

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Re: The Singularity - Official Thread

Post by Ozzie guy »

A popular rightwinger made a video describing and attacking transhumanism so his audience knows what it is and hates it. Concepts such as the singularity are getting more and more widespread as we get closer to it.

I think both the hardright and left will oppose the development of singularity (left doesn't want it done by capitalists)

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Re: The Singularity - Official Thread

Post by Tadasuke »

Set and Meet Goals wrote: Wed Feb 23, 2022 6:07 am A popular rightwinger made a video describing and attacking transhumanism so his audience knows what it is and hates it. Concepts such as the singularity are getting more and more widespread as we get closer to it.

I think both the hardright and left will oppose the development of singularity (left doesn't want it done by capitalists)
Harmful idiots. It's best to not give them views or at least dislike their videos if you watch them. Opposing The Technological Singularity is like opposing Cambrian Explosion or the Industrial Revolution. And they don't understand the concept anyway. TS is about the acceleration of life and its tools since the beginning of the Earth. Of course it's getting more widespread, thanks to the WWW. I remember (the crazy) Alex Jones talking about it (and mentioning Kurzweil) many, many years ago. Fortunately, he was banned from YouTube. Ben Goertzel wants en egalitarian, open, crowd-sourced, bottom-up Singularity, but I think it will be corporations (and some governments) pushing the most for it. As time goes on, my estimation date for the Singularity is being pushed further and further. I used to say 2045, then 2065, now 2070, but I'm more and more thinking about pushing my prediction to 2080 or later.
Global economy doubles in product every 15-20 years. Computer performance at a constant price doubles nowadays every 4 years on average. Livestock-as-food will globally stop being a thing by ~2050 (precision fermentation and more). Human stupidity, pride and depravity are the biggest problems of our world.
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Re: The Singularity - Official Thread

Post by Ozzie guy »

Probably the most prominant member of r/singularity "Dr_Singularity" still seems to expect human level AGI this year.
Given his prominance in the community I at least hold on to his prediction as a less than 5% chance probability and it is a nice unlikely hope which can make 2022 more exciting.

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Re: The Singularity - Official Thread

Post by Yuli Ban »

Set and Meet Goals wrote: Wed Feb 23, 2022 6:07 am A popular rightwinger made a video describing and attacking transhumanism so his audience knows what it is and hates it. Concepts such as the singularity are getting more and more widespread as we get closer to it.

I think both the hardright and left will oppose the development of singularity (left doesn't want it done by capitalists)

They've been doing this for years now. Decades even. Far-right conspiratorial types have been talking about transhumanism for almost as long as transhumanists.

It's automation and anti-automation hysteria that will interest me more. I'm aware of Mark Dice, as he was a pretty big name early on in the alt-right scene. He reminds me of my hard-right uncle, as well as a fictional character I created about three or four years back, a stereotypical American dude who values Boomer/Xer Man living of beer, grilling, football, and Sunday church. He definitely has been pretty aware of robotics. One of the videos I saw of him way back in 2017 I want to say was him trashing Pepper the Robot, so he absolutely will talk shit about automation.
I'm just waiting for the inevitable turn, the rise of the talking point "automation is being pursued by leftists to disempower the common man" and "automation is a hoax, experts all agree it's not happening anywhere near the sci-fi obsessed idiots say it is, and you ought to expect to get your hands dirty working for the next few hundred years, libtards."
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Re: The Singularity - Official Thread

Post by Lurking »

Yuli Ban wrote: Sat Feb 26, 2022 5:05 am I'm just waiting for the inevitable turn, the rise of the talking point "automation is being pursued by leftists to disempower the common man" and "automation is a hoax, experts all agree it's not happening anywhere near the sci-fi obsessed idiots say it is, and you ought to expect to get your hands dirty working for the next few hundred years, libtards."
I'd expect a more generalized "masses vs the elite" mentality
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Re: The Singularity - Official Thread

Post by wjfox »

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Re: The Singularity - Official Thread

Post by Yuli Ban »

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Re: The Singularity - Official Thread

Post by Nanotechandmorefuture »

Set and Meet Goals wrote: Wed Feb 23, 2022 6:07 am A popular rightwinger made a video describing and attacking transhumanism so his audience knows what it is and hates it. Concepts such as the singularity are getting more and more widespread as we get closer to it.

I think both the hardright and left will oppose the development of singularity (left doesn't want it done by capitalists)

I see the transgender stuff must have been been in the works a while ago then which makes it even more troublesome. I remember back in the 90's they were still showing some show from the 80's about transgenderism so I guess it was being tied into transhumanism since back then. I see why most people don't follow transhumanism when you have that going on.

You're right Set and Meet goals about the opposition. You think its bad now with those resistance movements whether government owned (usually infiltrated anyways) or not? Just wait until people start walking around with some sort of designation that they have been augmented inside their body like Neuralink for example. The whole part about religious terrorists since they would be against this sort of thing is accurate and I forget the name of the dude with the Alex Jensen Deus Ex image because the series talks about this exact danger happening when it gets in the face of more people.

Edit to add: Dude's name is Cyber_Rebel. Hell yeah lol.
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Re: The Singularity - Official Thread

Post by Yuli Ban »

And remember my friend, future events such as these will affect you in the future
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