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Re: Life on Earth Appreciation Thread

Posted: Thu Aug 17, 2023 5:26 pm
by wjfox

Re: Life on Earth Appreciation Thread

Posted: Tue Aug 22, 2023 12:17 pm
by wjfox

Re: Life on Earth Appreciation Thread

Posted: Mon Aug 28, 2023 9:55 am
by wjfox

Re: Life on Earth Appreciation Thread

Posted: Sat Sep 02, 2023 9:42 pm
by TrueAnimationFan

This feels straight out of the TV show "Zoo" on CBS. If someone told me this was during the filming of a deleted scene then I genuinely wouldn't question it.

Re: Life on Earth Appreciation Thread

Posted: Wed Sep 20, 2023 7:42 pm
by 40lightyears
I think there is nothing better or more pleasant to watch than the world's beauty.

Re: Life on Earth Appreciation Thread

Posted: Tue Oct 03, 2023 12:49 pm
by wjfox
wjfox: Do animals have taste buds? Wouldn't they find some foods disgusting? For example, having to eat raw and uncooked meat, or semi-rotten fruit and vegetables.

GPT-4: Yes, many animals have taste buds, and their preferences can be influenced by their taste sensations. The types and distributions of taste buds, as well as the specific tastes they can detect, often vary across species and are influenced by evolutionary pressures that determine what foods are beneficial or harmful to the animal.

Here's a breakdown of some points related to animal taste and preferences:

1. Taste Bud Distribution: Like humans, many animals have taste buds distributed primarily on their tongues. However, the number and types of taste buds can differ. For example, cats have fewer taste buds than humans, and they lack taste receptors for sweetness, which is why they don't seek out sugary foods.

2. Different Preferences: What one species finds appetizing, another might find repulsive. For example, vultures can consume rotting flesh without getting sick and even find it appetizing, whereas humans would find it repulsive both in taste and smell. These differences can be attributed to evolutionary pressures where certain tastes became associated with beneficial or harmful foods.

3. Raw and Uncooked Meat: While the idea of eating raw meat might be unappetizing to many humans (though some cultures do enjoy dishes like sushi and steak tartare), for many carnivorous animals, raw meat is a natural and preferred food source. Cooking is a human invention, and while it can make foods more palatable and safe for us, many animals have digestive systems and immune responses that are adapted to handle pathogens found in raw food.

4. Rotten Fruit: Some animals, such as certain primates, might consume overripe or semi-rotten fruit because it contains fermented sugars, which can be a source of calories. In some cases, the fermentation might even produce alcohol, and animals consuming this fruit can become intoxicated.

5. Evolutionary Adaptations: Over time, animals evolve to favor foods that are beneficial to their health and survival. For example, some animals might be attracted to bitter foods because those foods contain beneficial compounds, whereas humans might find the same foods unpalatable because, in our evolutionary history, certain bitter compounds were associated with toxins.

6. Learning and Adaptation: Some tastes can be acquired over time. Animals might learn to tolerate or even enjoy certain foods based on their availability and the energy they provide. For example, animals living near human settlements might develop a taste for foods they wouldn't encounter in the wild.

In conclusion, while many animals have taste buds, what they find appetizing or repulsive can be very different from human preferences due to a combination of evolutionary pressures, learned behaviors, and physiological differences.

Re: Life on Earth Appreciation Thread

Posted: Tue Oct 17, 2023 1:43 pm
by raklian

Re: Life on Earth Appreciation Thread

Posted: Mon Oct 30, 2023 2:57 pm
by wjfox

Re: Life on Earth Appreciation Thread

Posted: Fri Nov 03, 2023 9:43 pm
by wjfox

Re: Life on Earth Appreciation Thread

Posted: Sun Nov 12, 2023 4:31 pm
by raklian