How to retire indefinitely even if you have the ageing cure?

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Ozzie guy
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How to retire indefinitely even if you have the ageing cure?

Post by Ozzie guy »

Pick a yearly income you would be happy to retire on e.g. $40,000

Multiply that income by 100 so $4,000,000

divide that number by 3 so $1,333,333

This is how much money you would need to retire indefinitely forever even if you have the ageing cure.

Over the long term the index of the stock market goes up by around 7% (plus inflation) some countries have slightly lower stock index growth than this some countries have slightly higher stock growth than this.

$40,000 is 3% of $1,333,333.

You put your money in a index tracking stock e.g. for me it would be VAS (vanguard Australia, Vanguard is a very trusted and well established company for managing index tracking ETFs).

Each year on average your stock will grow about 6-7% and you will take 3% of your stock out.

This means each year you will have $40,000 to spend and on average that spending figure will increase by 3-4% a year.

Making sure you are letting your stock grow by 3-4% a year protects you from shrinking the pie you eat in poor stock market years over the medium term and it means your yearly spending money increases at a compound rate.

Obviously don't act on my advice if I have gotten you interested you can find more content on how to retire indefinitely from a community called FIRE (Financial, Independence, Retire, Early) and speak to a professional if this is something you want to try.

Can't remember why I put a question mark in the title lol.
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Re: How to retire indefinitely even if you have the ageing cure?

Post by caltrek »

This reminds me that so many do not have pensions and do not trust social security to be there for them. Pensions and social security are just variations of an individual putting that money aside. In the case of pensions, funds are provided by institutions that invest on behalf of their pensioners. Social Security does not literally operate in this way, but it might as wells. What is "invested" is the taxing capacity of the economy, or rather a portion of that capacity.
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Re: How to retire indefinitely even if you have the ageing cure?

Post by funkervogt »

Come on, if you're going to live forever, at least contribute something back to society. Work part-time at jobs your enjoy, even if they pay little.
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