Longevity, Fitness, Diet, and wellbeing

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Longevity, Fitness, Diet, and wellbeing

Post by Ken_J »

a place to share, discuss, and figure out how to take good care of our bodies and minds.

this iteration to include tending our mental and emotional health as well as physical.

What are we all doing? How are we all doing?

edited to add longevity because so much of being healthy means not experiencing age related decline.
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Re: Fitness, Diet, and wellbeing

Post by Ken_J »

looking at some of the longevity developments I find myself wondering if there may be a regime that might be possible.

some sauna use for creating heat shock in order to address the protein misfolding aspects of aging
a short sub-lethal heat treatment (37°C–>43°C, 60 min for human)

Fasting for 48 hours to 4 days is supposedly a viable mechanism for inducing autophagy https://www.cedars-sinai.org/blog/autophagy.html

There is some suggestion that PQQ suplements may reduce inflammation and increase production of new mitochondria https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/pq ... t#benefits

FISETIN for an effective senolytic agent, with some potential anti cancer effect, https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6197652/

and Urolithin A from supplementation or pomegranate seeds might help with mitophagy.

studies indicate that you don't need to get young blood infusions for the longevity benefits as it's been found removing plasma and replacing with saline may be just as effective. And that is exactly what they do when you donate plasma. https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2 ... 115724.htm

Combining these and hyperbaric oxygen therapy which has potential benefits to longevity and healing. https://www.aging-us.com/article/202188/text

combine all that into a course of treatment one does every now and then with things like dietary and exercise maintanance routines. I thing one could reasonably create an easily enough done treatment course to hold back the effects of aging better than the standard course grants now.

I think doing a fast, and after that doing some supplement courses, while using a sauna for a few weeks before some plasma donation, followed up with some hyperbaric oxygen therapy. and then some additional supplementation and diet and exercise routines that you can include in your daily life. Doing this once or twice a year would possibly make massive differences in the processes of aging and healthspan.

most of this doesn't require access to hard to get drugs, or equiptment, nor is it expensive in most cases.

The biggest problem one is the hyperbaric oxygen therapy, which I think there are likely to be options for bringing that price down. it's pretty much a higher amount of oxygen intake coupled with atmospheric pressure increase. I can't help wonder if something like a sensory deprivation tank might provide the atmospheric pressure aspect while a pressurized breathing unit predomnantly filled with pure oxygen might be an option.
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Re: Longevity, Fitness, Diet, and wellbeing

Post by Ken_J »

also thinking of doing some journalings for my mental/emotional health.

this years been brutal on me. nearly lost several friends to the pandemic, had the job fall apart around me as the company treated everyone so poorly that they all left, found out several family relationships are breaking up, while having to tear out and rebuild the only shower in the place I'm renting due to rot and mold around the stupid wooden window in the shower, then had my first covid shot which made me feel worse than I did when I had covid, folloed not long after by a heatwave, and then a landlord flipping out about using air conditioning, and then while trying to drive to an air conditioned space to work on things... my cars engine wrecked itself. and while staying with family so I could get rides to work out getting a replacement car my landlord told me via text that he felt I shouldn't live there anymore, 3 days before the start of the month. Then while working on getting the replacement car, got my second covid shot which again was worse for me than covid had been... and resulted in possible paracarditis. Finally got the living space situation to settle down, replaced the car... and then the laptop hard drive destroyed itself for the 3rd time in a year. Got that replaced. and now there are mice in the kitchen eating my food and crapping on food and dishes and counters like crazy and avoiding traps. Then I got shingles. Then I left my job. The the replacement car has had cylander misfires and is burning a lot of oil. all while in the midst of a pandemic resurgence, housing shortage, political atmosphere that feels like it's bordering on civil war in some areas, and the effects of climate change. and the existential and midlife crisis that arrived in the midst of this.

and I'm not sure there are any breaks coming from the waves of brutality this year. so I need to work on securing some mental stability for myself in any way I can right now.
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Re: Longevity, Fitness, Diet, and wellbeing

Post by wjfox »

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Re: Longevity, Fitness, Diet, and wellbeing

Post by Ken_J »

I've been playing around with some diet stuff lately. mostly seeing if I could build a meal plan that was relatively balanced and healthy but also cheap enough that I spend around 5 dollars a day or less on food. and not doing it in such a way that I'm eating 1-2 meals of next to no calories each day.

so I wanted to build it around a hobbits eating habits (from the movie) : breakfast, second breakfast, elevenses, lunch, afternoon tea, supper, and dinner.

roughly eating every two hours. the will of course be smaller meals meant to tide you over until the next meal. for example one breakfast would be two eggs and a slice or two of ham, which amounts to 170-200 calories. elevenses might be tea, with a slice of toast and a bit of jam. afternoon tea might be tea and some pita chips with hummus or tabboleh salad. so it's possible to have the caloric value for the day between 1600-2100. I've managed to make three options for each meal to allow for variety.

as a bonus it seems that with a days effort here and there you could have a months worth of food ready. with a half of a fridge and freezer I can stock up about 2 months worth of food.

if one day out of a week a person fasted this could even further extend the budget and stocking up.
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Re: Longevity, Fitness, Diet, and wellbeing

Post by Ken_J »

I will be engaging in some flexibility training soon, and dabbling with cycling through a few varieties of modified eating patterns. Things like intermittent fasting, as well as something new studies have covered which is eating a base diet 5 days a week and two days a week very low caloric intake (fasting mimicing diet) which has been suggested to have health benefits. but along the way I'll likely switch to an experiment with a body builders shred diet, and then maybe a raw vegan diet.

None of these are intended to be my new life style, but more of learning things I can included in a more systemic approach to learning what my body does handle, and exploring a toolset for hacking my physical health, gut micro-biome, and enabling fitness.

recent medical stuff has indicated that I may be able to donate plasma, which I really do think would be good. I've always felt it was a viable way to help others, and recent info suggests that removing plasma and replacing with saline gets similar results to the 'young blood transfusions' for revitalizing the body as we age. so it sounds like a win win. and even if it doesn't actually do anything for longevity I hope it's still helpful in other ways.

after flexibility intensive work, I will move to maintaining and gradual advancement in flexibility, while I shift over to intensive training tendon and gradually quick twitch based intensives, before cycling those over to maintaining as I work on endurance intensive training.

I'm not interested in bulking out, or 'gains'. and am really quite tired of everybody assuming that is the fitness goal of every guy. I would be quite happy with a nerd body that has added 6 inches to jump height, can run a marathon and not suffer the next day, and can do a split again and put my hands flat on the floor with straight legs together and then back to standing upright.
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Re: Longevity, Fitness, Diet, and wellbeing

Post by StanleyNeilsen »

You have enough a good plan, but I have to tell you that I've tried smth like this; it doesn't work like we believe...
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Re: Longevity, Fitness, Diet, and wellbeing

Post by citali_ »

I'm on a diet I like to call the "No sweets" diet. I don't have sweets of any kind, no cakes or pastries. No sugar. It works for me!
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Re: Longevity, Fitness, Diet, and wellbeing

Post by wjfox »

It took nearly two years, but I finally reached my weight loss goal. I'm now the ideal weight for my height.

Yesterday I measured 74.6 kg, which is 164 lbs, or about 11.7 stone.

Having worked incredibly hard on this, my advice for anyone who wants to lose weight:
  • Keep a spreadsheet of your weight, every day if possible. It will motivate you to make progress.
  • Eat smaller portions than before. This doesn't have to mean starving yourself. Just a little less, e.g. don't fill your cereal bowl to the brim each morning; try to avoid afternoon snacks, etc.
  • Minimise your intake of cakes, chocolates, junk/processed foods, fizzy drinks. Eat plenty of fruit, vegetables, oily fish. Avoid alcohol if possible. Drink plenty of water.
  • Exercise for at least 150 minutes each week (moderate intensity or above).
  • Decent sleep is important too. Switch off mobile/computer screens at least an hour before bed. Learn to properly relax and gradually wind down in the evening.
  • More recently, I bought my first smartwatch, a Fitbit Sense. This further helps in tracking health data, improving motivation, etc.
Studies have shown that a healthy weight is among the most crucial factors for improving lifespan/healthspan/longevity.

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Re: Longevity, Fitness, Diet, and wellbeing

Post by Bird »

wjfox wrote: Sun Sep 11, 2022 12:32 pm It took nearly two years, but I finally reached my weight loss goal. I'm now the ideal weight for my height.

Yesterday I measured 74.6 kg, which is 164 lbs, or about 11.7 stone.

Having worked incredibly hard on this, my advice for anyone who wants to lose weight:
  • Keep a spreadsheet of your weight, every day if possible. It will motivate you to make progress.
  • Eat smaller portions than before. This doesn't have to mean starving yourself. Just a little less, e.g. don't fill your cereal bowl to the brim each morning; try to avoid afternoon snacks, etc.
  • Minimise your intake of cakes, chocolates, junk/processed foods, fizzy drinks. Eat plenty of fruit, vegetables, oily fish. Avoid alcohol if possible. Drink plenty of water.
  • Exercise for at least 150 minutes each week (moderate intensity or above).
  • Decent sleep is important too. Switch off mobile/computer screens at least an hour before bed. Learn to properly relax and gradually wind down in the evening.
  • More recently, I bought my first smartwatch, a Fitbit Sense. This further helps in tracking health data, improving motivation, etc.
Studies have shown that a healthy weight is among the most crucial factors for improving lifespan/healthspan/longevity.

Click to enlarge. :)

Congratulations. Here's to seeing 2100, haha.
I'm just a bird who escapes his cage to post here sometimes.
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