The future is sad very cold cyberpunk future

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The future is sad very cold cyberpunk future

Post by Lilymoon »

I fear we are headed to a cyberpunk future where billionaires rule the world of you pay for healthcare if you want to live or die than if you have no money, massive unemployment, have and have nots, poor, low income well billionaires get more money, massive homeless and elite.

Well news media make strawman tactics by propping up puppets of Tump and Biden that serve Wall Street and tar the facbric of country of culture wars of some thing to talk about of strawman tactics.

The left and centrist conservatives have to unite religion and the Church to fight the billionaires and growing fascism or we are going to be living in a cyberpunk future just with out the cyberpunk buildings.

The thing is at one time many Church’s and priests where supporting communism and anti capitalism because in their eye there was class hierarchy of homeless, poor, low income, middle income, upper middle income, upper income, rich, really rich and supper rich and so on and also hoarding of large very large amounts of money. But when the USSR, North Korea and China became evil and anti religion many priests and Church’s started supporting conservative as only way to preserve religion.

Now such Church’s and priests are persecuted by the church today.

People have to get the religion to work with the left and centrist conservatives or the billionaires won and fascism is well on its way.
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Re: The future is sad very cold cyberpunk future

Post by Yuli Ban »

Not so much sad and cold, as much as it would be "decadent."
It really depends on which way the winds blow in the next decade. If certain globo' types win out and get to corral everyone into cities from which they cannot leave and must Live in Ze Pod and use extremely heavily curated and regulated AI and watch typical Netflix/Avengers slop, then yes, that would be pretty sad and cold.
Of course, it's entirely possible pirate culture still wins out in some way, though that brings out the "eternally-descending-into-technodebauchery" outcome I outlined several months ago. I'd prefer that one over an austere and severe future of turbo-restrictions under faceless technocratic elites for the sake of forever-undefinable sustainability if only because the possibility of leaving the city into the countryside as an escape is still possible, and the cities won't be so bleak either, though I know for a fact plenty will still find such ultra-hedonism dehumanizing in its own way, and likely not ideal. But nothing is particularly ideal unless you have a particular ideological endgoal. I'm certain there are plenty who would find the "You Will Eat the Bugs, Live in the Pod, Own Nothing, and Be Happy" future to be ideal for various reasons that I'm biased against, and I'm sure there are plenty who would say that not living in organized civilization at all is ideal.
And remember my friend, future events such as these will affect you in the future
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Re: The future is sad very cold cyberpunk future

Post by Powers »

Eco-Sovietism (aka Communism/Fascism)
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Re: The future is sad very cold cyberpunk future

Post by erowind »

I hope our world grows closer and closer to that of one of Greg Egan's hard science fiction worlds. ... 649#p43649

I wrote some about what that kind of world looks like here but beyond the form our bodies take the activities are nothing less than magical. People spend their time creating artistic dreamscapes we can't even imagine today. They speed up their perception of time and meditate while watching mountains erode for thousands of years. They explore the galaxy freely and observe alien flora and fauna from non-obtrusive drones the size of a dragonfly as if they were in a room within the dragonflies eyes. They hold great forums of dance, love, learning and debate. Morphological freedom is truly the greatest expression of the human spirit in the physical world. Growing up playing video games like garry's mod very occasionally I get this little autistic thought when I see a bridge or a building in front of me, "I should just be able to noclip up there and look around," and really, beyond the limitations of physics why shouldn't we be able to do just that? High sci-fi is fantasy brought to life, it is very possible we just have to hold together for enough generations that we can process all this collective trauma that's holding our species back. The longer we go without war the more likely a future utopia is.

This is one of the reasons I hope with all my heart that anti-aging tech is real. The longer people live and the longer generations are the more likely it is we will figure ourselves out and notice our self-destructive patterns in order to correct them. Very few people I've ever met in my life are truly beyond saving even though most of us (including myself) have major behavioral problems of some kind. True sociopaths who genuinely derive pleasure from harming others are not common and they won't be able to control our world if the rest of us become the best people we can be.

The only other path I really see for us in absence of LEV is a world with disparate more enlightened pre-industrial cultures. Pre-industrial cultures had millenia of ritual and cultural norms to navigate their world and emotional states with. With industrialism we have largely destroyed these cultural norms and ritualistic tools we had for living. It will be a very very long time before we create new ones if nothing else changes. I have come to a real contempt of our cultural norms today though. Both the enlightened immortal of the future and the pre-industrial agrarian and nomadic person are/were people of better character than we are today. They generally were not/will not be obsessed with mindless consumption and distraction in the way we are now. So many of us including myself waste time on things that are truly meaningless due to the pain of navigating this modern society.
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Re: The future is sad very cold cyberpunk future

Post by Cyber_Rebel »

Well, there is truth to @Lilymoon's post: ... socialism/ ... socialists

If I were to entertain the closest modern-day equivalent, it would likely be Georgia Senator Raphael Warnock, who's on record for making the claim that the early church was much closer to socialism than capitalism. Whether that's true or not, or what's really necessary I'd leave for others to decide, my personal opinion on religion and whatnot aside. I will say though that a big issue is that the left and the conservatives within this particular sphere would have a difficult time reconciling their opinions on social issues or identity.

As for billionaires, well we're at that point already. However, I'd question if this is actually "fascism" as one might understand it. There's no real nationalist movement with America's billionaires, and then we have to go into which group(s) exactly as each have their own set of priorities. There would actually be more of a danger with Christian nationalist taking up socialist style rhetoric in an attempt to implement some style of NatSoc, which perfectly describes the classical Fascism of old.

When it comes to billionaire groups, Silicon Valley has a lot more actual capital and obviously finger on the future than Wall Street does. If I had to choose between them, I think we'd be much better off with literal Mega-Tech corporations than the traditional oligarchy America is used to. Again, that's just my personal opinion, and a lot of my views have been adjusted ever since the 2020s started for various reasons. I'd at least rather have corporations which are actively striving towards solving climate change, curing all manner of human diseases, workings towards AGI, have actually mentioned implementing UBI and a future without work numerous times, etc; than a group whose sole aim is short term profit. There's a major difference when profit is just a means or an outcome, rather than the only outcome. It's also a good thing that these types aren't the ones who necessarily care about belief or ideological systems and would rather promote scientific advancement.

If the future is "decadent," then that's really just basic Cyberpunk, at least on a cultural level. If we can solve all the bigger problems in human society or at least come close to them as we edge closer towards superintelligence, then a little bit of debauchery is hardly something to be concerned with. I'd also prefer that over some neo-Victorian era fakery, and if people aren't hurting each other with their digital fantasies with whatever corporation or AI/VR tech is proving it, then why not? Being locked within a dopamine factory means not going out and committing crimes, or feeling as if their lives are lost or without meaning, if they are giving it meaning even in an artificial sense. America is usually very uptight about these kinds of issues as it is already, so moving the needle just a tad bit might make us seem less insane overall.

Again, just my personal opinion. I'm not naive when it comes to Google, Microsoft, or even OpenAI, but at least with them there's an actual material benefit to be had on society on the whole.
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Re: The future is sad very cold cyberpunk future

Post by Lilymoon »

Why do people say lot of the problem in the world is because of neoliberalism?

Why do they say neoliberalism is destroy the world or lot of the problems in the world is because of neoliberalism?
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Re: The future is sad very cold cyberpunk future

Post by weatheriscool »

Cutting investment into science, infrastructure and the basic needs of the population in favor of the top 5% is retired and destructive to the society. This is what you want to do if you want to turn America or you name the nation into a very poor and backwards shithole. We see this in central america and africa for example.
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