Fashion in the 2030s, 2040s

Discuss the evolution of human culture, economics and politics in the decades and centuries ahead
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Re: Fashion in the 2030s, 2040s

Post by firestar464 »

(The Taliban also imposes a dress code on male government workers and mandates beards for all males.)

You're also pretty happy restricting women's mobility (and not that of men). Apparently, it also disturbs you when they wear jeans. Like what?

In Japan, if I understand correctly, youth actually enjoy wearing their school uniforms outside of school, but that's because they want to.

Why are you so obsessed with placing arbitrary restrictions on people not based on actual harm but based on your personal, subjective tastes? Ok imma mandate that everyone wear wjfox t-shirts. it bothers me that people don't already
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Re: Fashion in the 2030s, 2040s

Post by firestar464 »

Also: (from bingAI)

Dresses can be considered sexist for several reasons:

1. **Gendered Stereotypes**: Policies that promote gendered stereotypes and sexist ideologies allow blatant sizeism and body shaming of students¹. These policies also target students of color¹.

2. **Quality and Durability**: There is a difference in quality, durability, and price when shopping in the men's section compared to the women's section². Women's clothing often lacks the same quality and durability as men's clothing².

3. **Lack of Functionality**: Women's clothing often lacks functionality, such as pockets². The absence of pockets in women's clothing is seen as prioritizing aesthetics over practicality².

4. **Dress Codes**: Many feel dress codes typically target female clothing both because dress codes tend to ban things females typically wear, and they tend to require clothing that is not easily available for women (but are for men)⁴. For example, tank tops, yoga pants, and leggings - which are often banned by typical dress codes - are generally worn by females⁴.

5. **Cultural Discrimination**: Dress codes also are used to reinforce race discrimination as well, by implicitly stating that those from diverse backgrounds and cultures do not belong in school, and that they must assimilate to fit into a dominant “white” culture in order to be successful⁵.

It's important to note that these are general observations and may not apply to all situations or contexts. The perception of sexism in clothing is a complex issue that involves societal norms, cultural expectations, and individual experiences.

Source: Conversation with Bing, 2/27/2024
(1) Dress Codes: A Racist, Sexist History and Why They Must be Changed. ... e-changed/.
(2) Why women’s clothes are actually pretty sexist - Metro. ... t-6826968/.
(3) Are School Dress Codes Sexist? | LoveToKnow. ... des-sexist.
(4) School Dress Codes Perpetuate Sexism, Racism, and Transphobia. ... ransphobia.
(5) Are Middle School Dress Codes Sexist and Unfair?. ... ist-unfair.
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Re: Fashion in the 2030s, 2040s

Post by firestar464 »

And since we're talking about fashion:

TBH though some of these are really just baggy pants
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Re: Fashion in the 2030s, 2040s

Post by Jakob »

Am I the only one who just wears jeans and plain t shirts and will probably continue to do so into the 2030s and 2040s?
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