18 predictions for 2050 from Erik Hoel

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18 predictions for 2050 from Erik Hoel

Post by funkervogt »

He says that the outlines of what 2050 will be like are visible now. Here's a list of his predictions, without the explanations for them (read the full article for that).

1. There will be a Martian colony.
2. The marketization of everything.
3. AI will be the most futuristic impactful change in day-to-day life.
4. The supersensorium will grow in power.
5. A mostly storeless society.
6. Education will take place mostly online.
7. Genetic engineering of embryos to avoid disease will have become common.
8. Anti-aging technology will extend the health-spans of the rich.
9. Huge improvements to standards of living.
10. Families will continue to decline in importance.
11. The future really is female.
12. The rise of the throuple.
13. A minority-led country.
14. The world will not war.
15. The age of the mob will spur domestic turmoil.
16. Soft totalitarianism will make the West more like China.
17. People and culture will become boring.
18. It will be the winter of my life.

https://erikhoel.substack.com/p/futuris ... ads-in-the
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Re: 18 predictions for 2050 from Erik Hoel

Post by bretbernhoft »

These eighteen predictions, which are generally optimistic IMO, are fascinating to read. I'm always looking for this kind of foresight, forethought about our near-term future. I'm grateful that there are other techno-optimists out there, publishing their opinions Online. Thank you for sharing.
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Re: 18 predictions for 2050 from Erik Hoel

Post by Rav3n »

Shame, he didn't loose any word on climate and how we will tackle it down.
>>> It's spiritual looking up the night sky and finding a sence of belonging.This is more fullfilling than being some invisible sky wizard's "pet". I'm definitely a dude that worships knowledge and technology without severing ties to the past. <<<
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