Influence of porn on people in the present and in the future

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Influence of porn on people in the present and in the future

Post by Tadasuke »

So I started with the assumption that porn is bad (catholic upbringing), then I thought that porn is good, the I changed my mind to porn being bad, then I switched to porn being good again and now I am kinda in the phase of porn being bad. I am not sure about it, honestly.

Probably most men (also women) in their 20s, 30s and 40s in developed countries (now it's happening even in developing countries) sometimes watch porn. However, there's a problem with the definition. So by porn, I assume at the moment everything giving sexual gratification (doesn't need to be considered 18+).

There's a growing movement called NoFap to abstain from porn, masturbation, orgasm and edging (PMOE). Books were published on the subject (most notably "Your Brain on Porn" by Gary Wilson, see ... B00N2AH8NW).

They claim that hereunder symptoms manifest in porn addicts (and here's a good, rational explanation:
● sexual dysfunctions, such as erectile dysfunction and delayed ejaculation
● decreased sensitivity from overstimulation
● fatigue
● low self-esteem or confidence
● sense of shame
● low mood or agitated mood
● lack of motivation
● decreased libido
● disinterest in sex in favor of porn
● clouding of consciousness, or “brain fog”

There were studies which confirmed these symptoms and there are many people writing about them on the web. Our brains were not equipped by evolution to deal with such an abundance and an easy of access to porn. We are biologically adapted to a world of scarcity of food and sexual stimulation. Our brains experience various issues when being addicted to something like porn.

Today access to porn is easier than ever before. When I was 14, it was difficult for me. Today, 14 year olds own smartphones and can access porn 24h a day everyday. What happens to their brain development because of that? I am worried honestly. Personally I'm currently successfully fighting my urges by abstaining for a long time, although I occasionally peek.

But at the same time, I am a weird one, because my sexual fantasies were unrealistic from the beginning (7 years old) and I only started to fap after I discovered perfect (for me) anime girls online. Videos with actors did not excite or arouse me at all. In fact, they filled me with disgust and still do (even more so). I am hopeless for finding a girl I would like in the real world. So I know that no PMOE, means no sexual life at all for me. Abstaining has not made me a "normal" guy.

In the future, there will be even (exponentially?) more porn of all kinds, including porn made by A.I., so current problems may get worse. Virtual reality may turn out to be more addicting than just sitting watching videos or images. Are we going to end up with a world of porn addicts? I don't know. Perhaps society will become more conscious of this serious problem and porn use will decline like cigarette smoking (which used to be considered cool). UK government for example tried to make porn require identification and some countries and debating on this topic.

Would you want governments to limit access to porn? How would they do so? Would it include even Instagram models? Do you think porn and masturbation is bad for us? Will things get better or worse in the future? Is this even a topic worth discussing or should it be a private matter, a taboo of sorts?
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Re: Influence of porn on people in the present and in the future

Post by Ozzie guy »


TLDR A lot of the anti porn movement is based nonsense like it can change your sexuality.
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Re: Influence of porn on people in the present and in the future

Post by Nanotechandmorefuture »

Its just porn and its been there for quite some time especially if you look into the early 1900's black and white films. I believe all the attributions given to porn of negativity for the viewer stem more from personal life issues of the porn watcher than from porn itself. I have been around the religious chastity types myself and hell no I ain't down to go that route. Never mind that religious chastity is perfect for people who ain't gettin any to make sure no one else is and also is supported most of the times, unfortunately, by unattractive people.
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Re: Influence of porn on people in the present and in the future

Post by iridescentrae »

I think it would be less watched if people knew how easy it was to hack someone and see exactly what they’re looking at...then we’d get Neuralink, and everyone would go crazy because they’ve been repressing their sexuality, then it’ll get hacked for the first time, then everyone will be no-fap and apologetic...
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Re: Influence of porn on people in the present and in the future

Post by funkervogt »

Eventually, sex androids will be invented and will become affordable for average people. You will be able to have any kind of sex you want, whenever you want, and with any type of partner (there will be android hookers and brothels). This will practically destroy the institution of marriage and accelerate humanity's population decline.
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Re: Influence of porn on people in the present and in the future

Post by Vakanai »

There's always been porn and there will always be porn. There's nothing wrong with porn in and of itself, and there's nothing wrong with enjoying porn. The problem is wholly with exploitative porn and those who let it become an addiction. Same as it is with alcohol or gambling really. People always try to act like the whole thing is wrong and immoral, but that's just extreme. Fix the exploitation in the industry, offer help to those souls who get addicted, stop treating it with shame, and remember the old adage "all things in moderation."
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