Quantum Computing News and Discussions

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Re: Quantum Computing News and Discussions

Post by weatheriscool »

Quantum computers are better at guessing, new study demonstrates
by University of Southern California
Daniel Lidar, the Viterbi Professor of Engineering at USC and Director of the USC Center for Quantum Information Science & Technology, and Dr. Bibek Pokharel, a Research Scientist at IBM Quantum, have achieved a quantum speedup advantage in the context of a "bitstring guessing game." They managed strings up to 26 bits long, significantly larger than previously possible, by effectively suppressing errors typically seen at this scale. (A bit is a binary number that is either zero or one). Their paper is published in the journal Physical Review Letters.

Quantum computers promise to solve certain problems with an advantage that increases as the problems increase in complexity. However, they are also highly prone to errors, or noise. The challenge, says Lidar, is "to obtain an advantage in the real world where today's quantum computers are still 'noisy.'" This noise-prone condition of current quantum computing is termed the "NISQ" (Noisy Intermediate-Scale Quantum) era, a term adapted from the RISC architecture used to describe classical computing devices. Thus, any present demonstration of quantum speed advantage necessitates noise reduction.
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Re: Quantum Computing News and Discussions

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Researchers 'split' phonons in step toward new type of quantum computer
by University of Chicago

When we listen to our favorite song, what sounds like a continuous wave of music is actually transmitted as tiny packets of quantum particles called phonons.

The laws of quantum mechanics hold that quantum particles are fundamentally indivisible and therefore cannot be split, but researchers at the Pritzker School of Molecular Engineering (PME) at the University of Chicago are exploring what happens when you try to split a phonon.

In two experiments—the first of their kinds—a team led by Prof. Andrew Cleland used a device called an acoustic beamsplitter to "split" phonons and thereby demonstrate their quantum properties. By showing that the beamsplitter can be used to both induce a special quantum superposition state for one phonon, and further create interference between two phonons, the research team took the first critical steps toward creating a new kind of quantum computer.
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Re: Quantum Computing News and Discussions

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Research takes first steps towards realizing mechanical qubits

Quantum information (QI) processing may be the next game changer in the evolution of technology, by providing unprecedented computational capabilities, security and detection sensitivities. Qubits, the basic hardware element for quantum information, are the building block for quantum computers and quantum information processing, but there is still much debate on which types of qubits are actually the best.

Research and development in this field is growing at astonishing paces to see which system or platform outruns the other. To mention a few, platforms as diverse as superconducting Josephson junctions, trapped ions, topological qubits, ultra-cold neutral atoms, or even diamond vacancies constitute the zoo of possibilities to make qubits.

So far, only a handful of qubit platforms have been demonstrated to have the potential for quantum computing, marking the checklist of high-fidelity controlled gates, easy qubit-qubit coupling, and good isolation from the environment, which means sufficiently long-lived coherence.
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Re: Quantum Computing News and Discussions

Post by weatheriscool »

IBM Claims Major Breakthrough in Quantum Computing Reliability
https://www.extremetech.com/science/ibm ... eliability
Quantum computers are fast, but they produce a lot of wrong answers. IBM says its error mitigation technique could fix that.

Today's most powerful supercomputers can simulate complex weather patterns and the birth of stars, but even a modest quantum computer could outperform those machines. The mysterious nature of quantum mechanics has thus far made quantum computing little more than a curiosity, but IBM is claiming a significant breakthrough. According to IBM's Jay Gambetta, we've reached "the era of utility."

Quantum computers are a hot topic for research, but they haven't been useful for doing calculations yet. We keep trying because of the incredible potential of quantum computing, which takes advantage of weird quantum properties like entanglement, interference, and superposition to accelerate calculations. For example, the digital computers we've used for decades use transistors to signify a 1 or a 0. Using superposition, a quantum bit (qubit) can be a 1, 0, or both. Holding multiple values allows a qubit to perform multiple calculations, whereas a classical computer must do them individually.
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Re: Quantum Computing News and Discussions

Post by weatheriscool »

IonQ Has 29 Algorithmic Qubit Quantum Computer

June 15, 2023 by Brian Wang

https://www.nextbigfuture.com/2023/06/i ... puter.html
IONQ met their technical target of 29 algorithmic qubits (#AQ) seven months earlier than expected. IonQ Forte is their newest quantum system. IonQ Forte represents a 16x step up in power from the IonQ Aria system. IonQ’s qubits are trapped ionized ytterbium atoms, a silvery rare-earth metal. Each ytterbium atom is perfectly identical to every other ytterbium atom in the universe.

First Quarter 2023 Financial Highlights

IonQ recognized revenue of $4.3 million for the first quarter, above the high end of the previously provided range, compared to $2.0 million in the prior year period. This reflects some activities for one of IonQ’s customer contracts taking place earlier than expected, shifting revenue dollars into the first quarter.

IonQ achieved $4.1 million in new bookings for the first quarter.
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Re: Quantum Computing News and Discussions

Post by weatheriscool »

Microsoft expects to build a quantum supercomputer within 10 years
Frederic Lardinois@fredericl / 8:00 AM PDT•June 21, 2023
https://techcrunch.com/2023/06/21/micro ... -10-years/
Microsoft today announced its roadmap for building its own quantum supercomputer, using the topological qubits the company’s researchers have been working on for quite a few years now. There are still plenty of intermediary milestones to be reached, but Krysta Svore, Microsoft’s VP of advanced quantum development, told us that the company believes that it will take fewer than 10 years to build a quantum supercomputer using these qubits that will be able to perform a reliable one million quantum operations per second. That’s a new measurement Microsoft is introducing as the overall industry aims to move beyond the current era of noisy intermediate-scale quantum (NISQ) computing.
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Re: Quantum Computing News and Discussions

Post by weatheriscool »

Microsoft claims to have achieved first milestone in creating a reliable and practical quantum computer
https://phys.org/news/2023-06-microsoft ... antum.html
by Bob Yirka , Phys.org
A team of researchers at Microsoft Quantum has reportedly achieved a first milestone toward creating a reliable and practical quantum computer. In their paper, published in the journal Physical Review B, the group describes the milestone and their plans to build a reliable quantum computer over the next 25 years.

Physicists and computer engineers are working toward building a reliable, useful quantum computer. Such efforts have been hampered, however, by error rates. In this new effort, the team at Microsoft suggests that quantum computer development is following a trajectory similar to that of traditional computers.

In the beginning, new concepts were followed by a series of hardware upgrades that have led to the machines of today. Likewise, they suggest that while current approaches used to represent logical qubits, such as a spin transmon, or a gatemon, have been useful as learning devices, none of them are scalable. They suggest a new approach must be found that allows for scaling.
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Re: Quantum Computing News and Discussions

Post by weatheriscool »

Quantum computing could get boost from discovery of Q-silicon
https://phys.org/news/2023-06-quantum-b ... licon.html
by Mick Kulikowski, North Carolina State University

Researchers at North Carolina State University have discovered a new distinct form of silicon called Q-silicon which, among other interesting properties, is ferromagnetic at room temperature. The findings could lead to advances in quantum computing, including the creation of a spin qubit quantum computer that is based on controlling the spin of an electron.

"The discovery of Q-silicon having robust room temperature ferromagnetism will open a new frontier in atomic-scale, spin-based devices and functional integration with nanoelectronics," said Jay Narayan, the John C. Fan Family Distinguished Chair in Materials Science and corresponding author of a paper describing the work published in Materials Research Letters.
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Re: Quantum Computing News and Discussions

Post by weatheriscool »

Researchers use quantum computer to identify molecular candidate for development of more efficient solar cells
https://phys.org/news/2023-07-quantum-m ... solar.html
by Coury Z Turczyn, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Using the full capabilities of the Quantinuum H1-1 quantum computer, researchers from the Department of Energy's Oak Ridge National Laboratory not only demonstrated best practices for scientific computing on current quantum systems but also produced an intriguing scientific result.

By modeling singlet fission—in which absorption of a single photon of light by a molecule produces two excited states—the team confirmed that the linear H4 molecule's energetic levels match the fission process's requirements. The linear H4 molecule is, simply, a molecule made of four hydrogen atoms arranged in a linear fashion.
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Re: Quantum Computing News and Discussions

Post by weatheriscool »

Quantum computer built by Google can instantly execute a task that would normally take 47 years
https://www.earth.com/news/quantum-comp ... e-47-years
In a significant leap for the field of quantum computing, Google has reportedly engineered a quantum computer that can execute calculations in mere moments that would take the world’s most advanced supercomputers nearly half a century to process.

The news, reported by the Daily Telegraph, could signify a landmark moment in the evolution of this emerging technology.

Quantum computing, a science that takes advantage of the oddities of quantum physics, remains a fast-moving and somewhat contentious field.

Quantum computers hold immense promise for potentially revolutionizing sectors like climate science and drug discovery. They offer computation speeds far beyond those of their classical counterparts.
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