"The Satisfaction Paradox" is arising

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"The Satisfaction Paradox" is arising

Post by funkervogt »

Kevin Kelly came up with the concept:
The main driver of the paradox however is not the tools we use to filter out the noise, but the exponential increase of good signals. New tools make it easier and easier to produce a book, compose a song, make a video, design a game. The total number of these are piling up much faster than our attention span, and even given extreme versions of Paredo’s law, the small percent of great stuff is still too much.

For instance, if because of my filters, I find only one in a million works of art, or inventions, delight me (a very harsh ratio), and 6 billion adults each make one creation a year, that produces a stream of 18 new I’m-crazy-about creations per day to attend to. I could not keep up with so much great stuff. Realistically I may find a greater ratio of satisfaction in some forms than others.

Let’s say that after all is said and done, in the history of the world there are 2,000 theatrical movies, 500 documentaries, 200 TV shows, 100,000 songs, and 10,000 books that I would be crazy about. I don’t have enough time to absorb them all, even if I were a full time fan. But what if our tools could deliver to me only those items to choose from? How would I — or you — choose from those select choices?

While it may be a long while before every adult is sharing art or innovations on a global scale, we can already see the abundance of good stuff piling up. Netflix has more great movies a click away — after I filter out the dross — than I can watch in my lifetime.

With respect to movies, TV programs, and user-created videos uploaded to sites like YouTube, it may have arrived:
The convenience of on-demand viewing is obvious, but Lisa Holme, group senior vice president of content and commercial strategy at US television company, Discovery, fears consumers are now put off by the sheer number of streaming services available.

"We now have a lot of content available across six or eight major streaming services, of which [our] Discovery Plus is one," she says. "I think consumers are now finding themselves a bit overwhelmed by the choice."

Ms Holme adds that some people are "feeling confused and annoyed" that they have to go to multiple streaming services to get all the content that they want.

For the US, figures show that 46% of homes with broadband subscribe to four or more video streaming services. While in the UK, one study found 65% of homes subscribe to two or more of the providers.

Phil Hopkins, president of niche streaming channel Fandor, says in a crowded market like this standing out from the competition is crucial. His service specialises in showing independent or classic movies, plus foreign films and documentaries.

The logical endpoint of this might be humans with wires going into their brains that provide constant, blinding bliss.
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Re: "The Satisfaction Paradox" is arising

Post by raklian »

funkervogt wrote: Thu Jan 27, 2022 4:42 pm
The logical endpoint of this might be humans with wires going into their brains that provide constant, blinding bliss.
I guess we're lucky we were born right in time to experience the actual Rapture. 8-)
To know is essentially the same as not knowing. The only thing that occurs is the rearrangement of atoms in your brain.
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