The Metaverse & Holodecks

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Yuli Ban
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Re: The Metaverse

Post by Yuli Ban »

Right now, the metaverse itself is the main thing coming together, as is virtual reality. The subniches that matter the most are the foundational ones: creating a tangible virtual world, virtual currency, virtual feedback, things like that.
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Re: The Metaverse

Post by Yuli Ban »

Well, this isn't explicitly "space," though it's probably the next best thing.

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Re: The Metaverse

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While his fellow tech CEOs try to usher in an era of mass interplanetary travel, Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg is dreaming of expansion not into outer space but cyberspace. The lords of Silicon Valley are all done with earthly reality, but as Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos arrange plans to physically leave, Zuckerberg wants to program a better earthly experience — one curated by Facebook.

In July, Zuckerberg announced that Facebook is in the process of transitioning into a “Metaverse” company over the next half decade. The social media giant wants to morph into an all-consuming, all-encompassing platform with relationships, work, commerce, and entertainment commingling under one big tent.

If that’s vague, it’s because the Metaverse is an octopus with a nearly infinite number of arms and no single blueprint, which is why many are calling it the Web 3.0. It’s “the successor to the mobile internet,” Zuckerberg told the Verge last month. “You can think about the Metaverse as an embodied internet, where instead of just viewing content — you are in it.”

As part of his initial Metaverse media blitz, the Great Hoodied One appeared on CBS News last month to play show-and-tell with Horizon Workrooms and demonstrate what being “inside the internet” actually means.

Workrooms, Facebook’s attempt at trumping Zoom, is an immersive conference call program where coworkers don an Oculus VR helmet and share a virtual office space to, say, scribble notes on a digital whiteboard using hand gestures while their avatars mimic their own movements. The demo looks laughably underwhelming (the cartoonish avatars look like what would happen if Nintendo made an app called Wii Work), but it’s easy to see why management might flock to a gentle, brightly colored panoptic workplace where it’s impossible to escape the gaze of your boss, even in your own bedroom.

According to Zuckerberg, Horizon Workrooms is just a taste of what’s to come. “Five years from now, people will be able to live where they want and work from wherever they want but feel present when they do it,” he said.

If the Metaverse idea expands beyond the goofy CGI-driven trickery seen through the goggles of an Oculus helmet, the idea of “being present” may change altogether over the coming years (though Zuckerberg’s half-decade timeline seems optimistic). Many of the Metaverse’s architects envision a future in which physical, augmented, and virtual realities converge into a single enhanced reality governed by a shared economic and media consumption system.
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Re: The Metaverse

Post by erowind »

The second video is older but discusses the concept of what a metaverse at the protocol level would look like more.
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Re: The Metaverse

Post by funkervogt »

"Dystopian nightmare" is such an overused phrase.
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Re: The Metaverse

Post by Yuli Ban »

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Re: The Metaverse

Post by Yuli Ban »

The concept of the metaverse is one of the more futuristic and hype filled phrases in the last couple of years. That one of the largest companies in the world is changing their name and placing their full focus on this, is a potential game changer.
In addition to this, Facebook's issues with privacy etc., is straight out of a dystopian novel and the combination here makes for a potentially highly problematic cocktail that is likely to seriously impact people.
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Re: The Metaverse

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A Startup Is Creating Digital Human Servants to Work in the Metaverse
The Metaverse is still a far off concept by Facebook (not to mention other players) but some are already attempting to cash in the concept — and even provide a digital workforce for it. Enter Soul Machines, a New Zealand-based company that says it’s designing AI-driven digital humans for clients to use for things like customer service, promotional videos, and education. However, the company also has its sights set on the future — with co-founder Greg Cross saying it plans to create a “digital workforce” for a potential metaverse.
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Re: The Metaverse

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Samsung announces its next-gen RAM for phones and ‘the metaverse’
Samsung has announced its next-generation RAM tech made for mobile devices, which it says can be used in future smartphones but also in servers, cars, and “the metaverse.” While Samsung’s press release doesn’t mention how its new LPDDR5X RAM chips could help people enter the “digital reality,” the tech should help make devices run faster and last longer.

Putting the buzzwords like metaverse, AI, and 5G aside, Samsung is promising some real improvements to speed and power usage: it says its next-gen RAM will have 1.3-times faster processing speeds versus the previous-gen LPDDR5, will be capable of higher densities (up to 64GB per chip), and will use 20 percent less power than the last generation. Some of these improvements, according to Samsung, can be chalked up to the new 14nm process it’s using to create the chips. Also, for all the ribbing about the metaverse, lower-power draw and better performance could actually help with AR and VR headsets with onboard processors or phones that are driving those devices.
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Re: The Metaverse

Post by Yuli Ban »

Seoul will be the first city government to join the metaverse
Seoul says it will be the first major city government to enter the metaverse. On Nov. 3, the South Korean capital announced a plan to make a variety of public services and cultural events available in the metaverse, an immersive internet that relies on virtual reality. If the plan is successful, Seoul residents can visit a virtual city hall to do everything from touring a historic site to filing a civil complaint by donning virtual reality goggles.

The 3.9 billion won ($3.3 million) investment is part of mayor Oh Se-hoon’s 10-year plan for the city, which aims to improve social mobility among citizens and raising the city’s global competitiveness. It also taps into South Korea’s Digital New Deal, a nationwide plan to embrace digital and AI tools to improve healthcare, central infrastructure, and the economy in its recovery from the economic crisis caused by covid-19.
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