OCEANIX – floating cities concept

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OCEANIX – floating cities concept

Post by wjfox »

A thread for news and discussions on this highly innovative development, which could provide a solution to rising sea levels.


World's first prototype floating city will adapt to sea level rise

28th April 2022

UN-Habitat, the Busan Metropolitan City of the Republic of Korea, and OCEANIX have this week presented a design for the world's first prototype sustainable floating city.

OCEANIX, a blue tech company based in New York, first unveiled their concept in April 2019. The plans have now undergone more detailed design work and architectural visualisation, with South Korea's port city of Busan chosen as the first location to host one of these futuristic habitats. OCEANIX Busan aims to demonstrate that coastal cities facing severe land shortages compounded by rising sea levels can adapt to such threats, using breakthrough technologies.

The challenge is massive: two out of every five people in the world live within 100 kilometres of the coast, and 90% of megacities worldwide are vulnerable to rising sea levels. With nowhere to expand, rapid urban growth is pushing populations closer to the water. But flooding is already destroying billions of dollars' worth of infrastructure and forcing millions of people to leave their homes. Based on the current trend, global sea levels may rise as much over the next 30 years as during the previous hundred. These increases may continue until the year 2300 or later.

OCEANIX collaborated with some of the world's best designers, engineers, and sustainability experts to design the flood-proof prototype. BIG-Bjarke Ingels and SAMOO (whose parent company is Samsung) led the architectural work on OCEANIX Busan, unveiled at the Second UN Roundtable on Sustainable Floating Cities – a follow up to the inaugural Roundtable in April 2019 and Busan's selection as host city in November 2021.

Read more: https://www.futuretimeline.net/blog/202 ... n-2050.htm

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