“Global catastrophe” looms at Yemeni offshore oil storage site

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“Global catastrophe” looms at Yemeni offshore oil storage site

Post by wjfox »

“Global catastrophe” looms at Yemeni offshore oil storage site

14/01/2022, 2:44 pm

The FSO Safer poses both a local environmental threat but also a major pitfall for shipping through the critical Red Sea and Suez Canal.

Yemen moored the storage vessel offshore in 1988. As a result of the Yemeni conflict, there has been no maintenance since early 2015. The ailing ship holds around 1 million barrels of crude.

“Unless all of us move fast, it will be a major global catastrophe,” Venediktos Roussos of Polygreen’s Maritime Division told Energy Voice.

An oil spill in the Red Sea would disrupt shipping, Roussos said. “The global economy suffers and we would all suffer.”


The amount of oil on the FSO is four times higher than the Exxon Valdez. Riskaware has said a spill could take 25 years to recover from and at a cost of up to $20 billion. Pollution could reach as far as the Bab-el-Mandeb strait, with some oil reaching the Gulf of Aden.

Read more: https://www.energyvoice.com/oilandgas/m ... -accident/

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