USA News and Discussions

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Re: USA News and Discussions

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Tucker Carlson’s Long Con
by David Corn
April 25, 2023

(Mother Jones)Tucker Carlson wasn’t always Tucker Carlson. Or maybe he was.

When I met …(Carlson) in the late 1990s, he was stylizing himself as a facts-driven reporter who happened to work for the conservative Weekly Standard. His schtick was that he was a journalist, not an ideologue. Sure, he had right-of-center opinions, but he wanted to be known as a get-out-the-truth digger who reported on politics with panache and gonzo-ish attitude…His most well-known article at that time was a 1999 profile of then-Gov. George W. Bush (R-Texas) for Tina Brown’s short-lived Talk magazine. It depicted Bush dropping multiple F-bombs and showed him mocking a plea for clemency from a murderer who while imprisoned had converted to Christianity and become a cause celebre for evangelicals. She was executed on Bush’s watch. (In those days, such profanity and disrespect were considered unbecoming for a presidential candidate, and this article prompted questions about Bush’s suitability for the White House—now a quaint notion.)

Carlson…insisted he was not a partisan hack in the tank for Republicans and right-wingers. He even feared being tagged a “wing-nut.” In an interview with Howard Kurtz, then the media reporter for the Washington Post, Carlson explained his creed, “You try not to distort the truth because someone you’re profiling you think is on the right side of abortion or trade or any other issue. That would be dishonest.”

Further Extract:
When I ask people who worked with and knew Carlson well what happened to him, mostly I get shrugs and puzzled looks. How did this fellow who professed to be an honest broker of truth become a racist demagogue and promoter of far-right disinformation and dangerous conspiracy theories? As evidence in the Dominion lawsuit revealed, there is no longer any question that Carlson sold his integrity. On air, he was a champion of Donald Trump and provided a platform for Trump’s Big Lie about the 2020 election. Off air, he told his colleagues that Trump was a liar and that he despised Trump. No media figure as prominent (and as well-paid) as Carlson has been shown to be such a …hypocrite. From crusading journalist to con man—that’s quite the trip
Read more here: ... ws-trump/
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Re: USA News and Discussions

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Re: USA News and Discussions

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House-Passed Bill Would Put Millions at Risk of Losing Medicaid Coverage
Once again, some policymakers are attempting to add bureaucratic barriers to Medicaid that would put health coverage for millions of people at risk. Yesterday, the Republican-led House of Representatives advanced legislation linking a debt limit increase to harmful funding cuts and policies, including adding complex work requirements to Medicaid starting in 2024.

The evidence is clear that such requirements do not further the Medicaid program’s objectives, and instead create barriers to care and put coverage at risk. For example, a recent Kaiser Family Foundation (KFF) analysis shows that Medicaid work and reporting requirements are confusing to enrollees and can result in substantial coverage loss, even if they meet the underlying requirements. In an earlier report, KFF found that if all states implemented work requirements, most disenrollment would be among individuals who would lose coverage due to the new administrative burdens, rather than due to noncompliance with the actual work requirements. Many of these adults would become uninsured and pay more for health care.

The current work status of Medicaid enrollees highlights this risk. In 2021, 61% were working full or part time. An additional 11% were not working due to illness or disability, 13% due to caregiving responsibilities, and 6% because they were attending school.

Similarly, the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation (ASPE) within the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) finds that most Medicaid enrollees aged 19-64 are either employed or have a disability (42% and 23% respectively), with a large proportion of the remainder working as caregivers of dependent children. ASPE reports that over 89% of working Medicaid enrollees are full-time, with an average of 34 hours of work per week. ... d-coverage
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Re: USA News and Discussions

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This is a purge. Republicans are purging any who oppose them.
Florida officials are threatening to revoke the teaching license of a school superintendent who criticized Gov. Ron DeSantis, accusing the educator of violating several statutes and DeSantis directives and allowing his "personal political views" to guide his leadership.

Such a revocation by the state Department of Education could allow DeSantis to remove Leon County Superintendent Rocky Hanna from his elected office. The Republican governor did that last year to an elected Democratic prosecutor in the Tampa Bay area who disagreed with the legality of his positions limiting abortion and medical care for transgender teens and indicated he might not enforce new laws in those areas. ... d_lose_job
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Re: USA News and Discussions

Post by caltrek »

Whistleblower Documents Reveal John Roberts' Wife Made Millions From Elite Law Firms, Major Companies
by Julia Conley
April , 2023

(Common Dreams) A whistleblower from the legal recruiting firm Major, Lindsey & Africa says Jane Sullivan Roberts, the wife of U.S. Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts, earned $10.3 million in commissions over seven years from her job as a headhunter at the company, where she placed attorneys with law firms—including at least one that argued a case before the Supreme Court after the placement was made.

Sullivan Roberts earned the money between 2007 and 2014, having taken a job with the company two years after her husband was confirmed to the Supreme Court, according to a report out Friday from Business Insider.

The whistleblower, Kendal Price, said in a sworn affidavit in December that he believed "at least some of [Roberts'] remarkable success as a recruiter has come because of her spouse's position."

Price's complaint was reported on earlier this year byPoliticoand The New York Times, and Insider published new documents regarding the case.

"When I found out that the spouse of the chief justice was soliciting business from law firms, I knew immediately that it was wrong," Price, who worked alongside Sullivan Roberts from 2011-2013 at Major, Lindsey & Africa, told Business Insider. "During the time I was there, I was discouraged from ever raising the issue. And I realized that even the law firms who were Jane's clients had nowhere to go. They were being asked by the spouse of the chief justice for business worth hundreds of thousands of dollars, and there was no one to complain to. Most of these firms were likely appearing or seeking to appear before the Supreme Court. It's natural that they'd do anything they felt was necessary to be competitive."

Read more here: ... tleblower

caltrek’s comment: It is so frustrating, and a little depressing, to realize that the Supreme Court is, in large part, controlled by a bunch of “conservative” kleptocrats. Just more evidence of why “just us” is more important than “justice” in America.
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Re: USA News and Discussions

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House GOP Whip Tom Emmer declines to outright guarantee U.S. will not default on its debts
Source: USA Today
House Majority Whip Tom Emmer, R-Minn., declined to explicitly guarantee the U.S. will not default on its debts Sunday as debt ceiling brinksmanship continues in Washington.

“Can you guarantee as a leader in the United States Congress, that the United States of America will not default on its debts?” CNN host Dana Bash asked Emmer on CNN’s “State of the Union.”

“I can, assuming that our president and the Schumer senate recognize the gravity of the problem. This is no longer about politics,” Emmer responded, referring to President Joe Biden and congressional Democratic leaders’ refusal to entertain budget cuts tied to a debt ceiling proposal.

House Republicans narrowly passed their own debt ceiling proposal last Wednesday, raising the debt limit until May 2024 along with $4.5 trillion in spending cuts. The bill has an almost zero chance of passing the Democratic controlled Senate, and Biden has vowed to veto the legislation if it reaches his desk.

Read more: ... r-AA1aytaq
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Re: USA News and Discussions

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The U.S. could hit the debt ceiling by June 1, much sooner than expected, Yellen warns

Source: CNBC

WASHINGTON — Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen on Monday warned that the United States may run out of measures to pay its debt obligations by June 1, earlier than the government and Wall Street had been expecting.

In a letter to House Speaker Kevin McCarthy, Yellen said new data on tax receipts forced the department to move up its estimate of when the Treasury Department “will be unable to continue to satisfy all of the government’s obligations” to potentially as early as June 1, if Congress doesn’t raise or suspend the debt limit before then.

This date is earlier than Wall Street economists were expecting. Goldman Sachs’ latest estimate this week put the deadline at some point in late July, though the bank’s economists acknowledged that weaker-than-expected tax receipts could advance that timeline.

On Monday, President Joe Biden called the “big four” congressional leaders — Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, McCarthy and House Democratic Leader Hakeem Jeffries — to invite them to a May 9 meeting at the White House to discuss the debt limit, a White House official told NBC. The Congressional Budget Office also revised its estimate for the so-called x-date on Monday.
Read more: ... arthy.html
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Re: USA News and Discussions

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Re: USA News and Discussions

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Re: USA News and Discussions

Post by Cyber_Rebel »

Students basically being trained as combat soldiers... Texas is truly a remarkable shithole. Can't simply do what every other modern civilized country has done in regard to guns. Ohohoho oh no, that would be unamerican.

Like said, I don't comment on politics much anymore, because in America it seems juxtaposed to the positivity of technological progress. But this is exactly what the freedumb fucks asked for. Please just let hard style singularity take off, because I'd rather that than, whatever the shit this is supposed to be.
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