2023-2024 Presidential, senate, house, state and city election thread

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Re: 2024 Presidential election

Post by caltrek »

Yale Professor and Expert on Authoritarianism Says 2024 Trump Coup is 'Underway'
by Aldous Pennyfarthing
October 24, 2021


(Alternet) If U.S. democracy falls this century, it will likely be at the hands of a stubby-fingered sack of extra-piquant donkey farts who likely never bothered to read the Constitution he swore to uphold—and certainly didn't understand it if he did bother. In other words, we're at the stage in the Siegfried & Roy show where the tiger starts picturing Roy as a semi-ambulant canned ham.

Donald Trump is a buffoon, but he's an evil buffoon, and it doesn't actually take a smart man to demagogue against democracy. You simply need zero shame, a preternatural instinct for bullying, and a party full of Q-besotted quislings to go along with your rotten plans.

On Friday's episode of The Beat With Ari Melber, Yale history professor Timothy Snyder didn't mince words when it came to the ominous, anti-democratic forces that are currently gathering to storm the gates of our venerable republic.

After Melber noted that several Big Lie proponents are running—with the backing of the ocher abomination—for secretary of state positions in several U.S. states—which would give them a great deal of control over the 2024 election in some key swing states—he had an unsettling talk with Snyder, an expert on authoritarianism and author of the book On Tyranny.
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Re: 2024 Presidential election

Post by weatheriscool »

Kansas City plans to submit bid to host 2024 Republican National Convention
Source: Fox 4 WDAF
KANSAS CITY, Mo. — Kansas City wants a chance to host the 2024 Republican National Convention.

Mayor Quinton Lucas’s office confirmed with FOX4 the city plans to submit a bid to host the political event where the party will select its nominees for president and vice president in the 2024 presidential election.

Kansas City also submitted a bid to host the 2016 RNC, but Cleveland was selected instead. Could 2024 be Kansas City’s year?

The national conventions are still three years away, but a lot can — and will — happen before then. The bidding process has already begun.
Read more: https://fox4kc.com/your-local-election- ... onvention/
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Re: 2024 Presidential election

Post by caltrek »

Five Governors’ Races Could Determine the Fate of American Democracy
by Scott Anderson (executive director of Strategic Victory Fund)
October 29, 2021

https://www.politico.com/news/magazine/ ... ces-517705

(Politico) In the aftermath of the 2016 presidential election, two of the largest progressive funding networks, the Democracy Alliance and the Committee on States, launched a new effort to drive resources into key states — trying to focus donors on state-level races rather than just national politics. The Democracy Alliance, which POLITICO once called “the country’s most powerful liberal donor club,” has sometimes been known for keeping its operations close to the vest. But we’re speaking out publicly now about our state initiative, the Strategic Victory Fund, to explain what our research shows about what we see as a significant risk to American democracy.

Early in the 2022 cycle, control of Congress has been the main focus of donors, as it has in the media. But control of State Houses may now matter more.

Based on our research, the five governors races that will matter most in 2022 are in Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, Minnesota and Nevada. Those are the states that saw narrow margins in the 2020 presidential race, and where a current Republican legislature — or if Republicans regain it in Nevada — stands the strongest chance of trying to throw the Electoral College result to their side. Who wields the veto pen in those states could be the last line of defense in preventing not just voter suppression, but the kind of election subversion that could unfairly deny the rightly elected president the White House in 2024.

If Republicans take back the governorships in these states it will mean a lot more than the signing of right-wing bills coming out of the legislatures. It means MAGA followers of the “Big Lie” will control the levers of running the actual elections and the allocations of Electoral College electors. The stage would be set for another insurrection, with supporters of Donald Trump refusing to recognize or certify the actual winners of elections and Trump installed back into office regardless of whether he won.
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Re: 2024 Presidential election

Post by caltrek »

The following article may be an exercise in wishful thinking. Also lacking is an analysis of Republican efforts to position themselves for victory even if the popular vote is not otherwise there to win. Still, there are enough variables that what is discussed is not completely implausible.

Trump's Grip on the GOP is 'Slipping' as Advisers Scramble for Reasons to Bail on 2024 Run
by Tom Boggioni
November 21, 2021


(Alternet) According to a report from the Atlantic's Peter Nicholas, a close adviser to former president Donald Trump admitted they are "rehearsing" arguments intended to convince the former president that another presidential run in 2024 could end in disaster and embarrassment.

As Nicholas wrote, despite polls showing Trump to be the odds-on choice to be the Republican Party presidential nominee in 2024, there are signs that there is a building movement against him among conservatives who are being more vocal about moving on without him.

Noting the election of Republican Glenn Youngkin as the new governor of Virginia who kept his distance from the twice-impeached former president as one key data point, Nicholas wrote that Trump's influence over GOP lawmakers is showing cracks.

According to Nicholas, "If Donald Trump tries to run for president again, one of his former campaign advisers has a plan to dissuade him. Anticipating that Trump may not know who Adlai Stevenson was or that he lost two straight presidential elections in the 1950s, this ex-adviser figures he or someone else might need to explain the man's unhappy fate. They'll remind Trump that if he were beaten in 2024, he would join Stevenson as one of history's serial losers. 'I think that would resonate,' said this person, who, like others, spoke on condition of anonymity to talk more freely. 'Trump hates losers.'"

"Trump might not listen to his former campaign confidante. But the mere fact that someone who worked to elect Trump the first time is rehearsing arguments to stop a comeback suggests that the former president's tight grip on the Republican Party may be slipping," Nichols suggested.
Here is a link to the Atlantic article:https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/ar ... et/620755/
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Re: 2024 Presidential election

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And remember my friend, future events such as these will affect you in the future
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Re: 2024 Presidential election

Post by caltrek »

How to Fight the Next Coup
by Omar Dahbour and Ashley Dawson
January 5, 2022

https://www.counterpunch.org/2022/01/05 ... next-coup/

(Counterpunch) As we approach the first anniversary of the attack on the United States congress, it is imperative to understand that the threat to democracy is not over. As details about the full scope of the scheme to undermine the presidential election of 2019 (should read 2020 - caltrek) emerge, it becomes even more important to understand that the coup did not end that day.

Most commentary informed by concern about the threat to US democracy focuses on countering voter suppression and strengthening voter rights across the country. For example, in a recent article the New York Times editorial board argued that the Democratic Party should end the filibuster in order to pass voting rights legislation, and admonished Republican leaders to respect the republic by combatting the extremists in their midst. These arguments are a response to the recent behavior of the Republican Party: following Trump’s insistence that the vote was stolen, the party has spent the last year advancing voter suppression laws and gerrymandering voting districts to ensure Trump’s return to power.

But what if Trump is displaced by a member of his party who is equally willing to embrace his anti-democratic inclinations, perhaps with a slightly slicker veneer? This is a very real possibility given the trends that we have described within the party. However, we believe that the main imperative at this juncture is to oppose the Republican Party’s transformation into a personality cult that could destroy the basic institutions of US constitutional democracy.

The history of authoritarian movements underlines the importance of individual “leaders” as points of coalescence for reactionary ideas. Trump has provided ample evidence that he understands and is willing to exploit this dynamic. Preventing the demagogic and dictatorial former president from returning to power is of paramount importance.
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Re: 2024 Presidential election

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Re: 2024 Presidential election

Post by caltrek »

Let’s Just Take Republicans at Their Word When They Say They’d Overturn an Election
by Tim Murphy
January 7, 2022

https://www.motherjones.com/politics/20 ... -election/

(Mother Jones) On Tuesday, on the eve of the anniversary of the January 6 insurrection, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell assured reporters on Capitol Hill that there was no risk that members of his party would attempt to reverse the results of a future presidential election. It was “ridiculous,” he argued, to even suggest that any state legislature would “want to overturn the counting of votes.”

“I think they assume that people who get elected to the legislature are idiots,” the Kentucky Republican said of his Democratic colleagues.

I mean, kind of. Last fall a Republican state representative in New Hampshire sent an email to his colleagues warning that the Covid-19 vaccine included a “living organism with tentacles.” A high-ranking Tennessee Republican state representative was ejected from a high school basketball game this week after attempting to pull down the referee’s pants. It’s a horror show out there. These are people who regularly have to be told how bodies work.

But whether or not these guys are “idiots” is not really the point. Politicians are measured by how they use their power, and on that point McConnell has already been proven wrong—Republicans at the state level have indicated quite clearly that they would support overturning the will of the people in a presidential election.

Just take Pennsylvania. In the run-up to the certification of the electoral college results last year, a majority of the Republican members of the Pennsylvania house of representatives—57 of them—signed a letter asking members of Congress to object to the counting of Pennsylvania’s electors.
About a week later, when Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton launched a desperate legal effort to have the Supreme Court throw out the election results in four Biden-won states, Pennsylvania’s speaker of the house and house majority leader submitted an amicus brief in support of the thing McConnell says they’d never do. McConnell’s own Senate colleague, Texas Sen. Ted Cruz, volunteered to argue the case. And 125 members of Congress signed their own brief in support.
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Re: 2024 Presidential election

Post by caltrek »

While doubts continue to emerge concerning Trump's viability as a 2024 candidate, Ron DeSantis is actually staking out a position to the right of Trump. This makes him perhaps the most dangerous man in America.

Of Ron DeSantis: 'Cross him once, you’re dead'
by Meaghan Ellis
January 16, 2022

https://www.alternet.org/2022/01/ron-de ... 656401175/

(Alternet) Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) is considered one of the most powerful governors to ever hold office in the state of Florida, according to a new report.

Per Politico, the Republican governor exerted even more power over top state officials and lawmakers by "cracking down on election crimes, spending $8 million to transport 'unauthorized aliens' out of state and targeting 'wokeness' in schools."

"Democrats, who are in the minority, are unable to stop him," Politico reports. "And Republicans in the Florida Legislature are enthusiastically carrying out his wishes or are unwilling to buck him."

“He’s become the 1,100-pound gorilla in state government,” said Tom Lee, a member of the Republican Party and former president of the Senate who worked with four different governors over the course of his 18 years with the Legislature. “Gov. DeSantis is extremely popular relative to most of his predecessors. With that goes a tremendous amount of power.”
Edit: Minor edit for clarification of intent.
Last edited by caltrek on Sun Jan 16, 2022 5:24 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: 2024 Presidential election

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