Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine News and Discussions

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Re: Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine News and Discussions

Post by weatheriscool »

Early developmental spinal cord extracellular matrix can promote neural regeneration ... lular.html
by Zhang Nannan, Chinese Academy of Sciences

In a study published in Cell Stem Cell, researchers led by Profs. Dai Jianwu and Zhao Yannan from the Institute of Genetics and Developmental Biology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences have demonstrated the remarkable role of early developmental spinal cord extracellular matrix (ECM) in promoting neuronal axon growth and functional maturation, as well as enhancing the therapeutic efficacy of neural progenitor cells (NPCs) and spinal cord organoids in rat spinal cord injury (SCI).

For adult mammals, SCI is a devastating blow due to the multiple factors that inhibit regeneration within spinal cord tissues along with the weak regenerative capacity of neurons, ultimately leading to functional loss after injury.
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Re: Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine News and Discussions

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How a new drug prototype regenerates lung tissue

by The Scripps Research Institute ... issue.html
Pulmonary diseases are a leading cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide. For many progressive lung diseases like idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF), a key issue is a low supply of new stem cells to repair and reverse damage. These cells are responsible for regenerating and increasing the growth of healthy tissue—without them, lung function decreases and a range of severe illnesses can take hold.

But a team of scientists at Scripps Research and its drug discovery arm, the Calibr-Skaggs Institute for Innovative Medicines, has now developed a lung-targeted, druglike small molecule to stimulate the growth of lung stem cells. These new findings, published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, provide a biological proof of concept for activating one of the body's regenerative pathways and restoring damaged lung tissue.

This approach could transform the treatment of severe pulmonary diseases, notably as CMR316—Calibr-Skaggs' similar therapy for treating IPF—is set to enter a phase 1 clinical trial this summer.
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Re: Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine News and Discussions

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Novel cell therapy treatments offer promise to immune-compromised children ... mised.html
by Katie Shrader, Children's National Hospital
In a first-of-its-kind clinical trial, researchers found that intravenous therapies made from virus-specific T-cells (VST) can effectively treat immunocompromised pediatric patients, far surpassing the current standard of care, according to new research published in Nature Communications.

More than 60% of patients in the phase 2 clinical trial led by investigators from Children's National Hospital and Huntsman Cancer Institute responded to the innovative VST therapy.

This new treatment uses blood from healthy donors to manufacture a highly specialized immune therapy that, when given to immune-compromised patients, prompts their immune system to fight off potentially life-threatening viruses, including cytomegalovirus, Epstein-Barr, and adenovirus. Without this therapy, estimates suggest that less than 30% of patients would recover using standard protocols.
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Re: Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine News and Discussions

Post by weatheriscool »

How myeloid cell replacement could help treat autoimmune encephalomyelitis ... litis.html
by Ingrid Fadelli , Medical Xpress
Autoimmune conditions such as multiple sclerosis (MS) are disorders of the immune system associated in this case with demyelination of the central nervous system (CNS). The term demyelination describes damage to the layer covering nerve fibers in the brain and spinal cord.

Recently, medical researchers have been exploring the potential of treating these diseases by transplanting autologous hematopoietic cells or blood stem cells (i.e., immature cells found in the peripheral blood and bone marrow of patients). While this possible treatment has been the focus of various studies, its effects and cellular underpinnings remain poorly understood.
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Re: Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine News and Discussions

Post by weatheriscool »

Thistle extract accelerates nerve regeneration by up to 29%
By Paul McClure
April 22, 2024
Nature has again proven effective in treating health conditions, this time nerve injury. According to a new study, a compound found in the blessed thistle plant accelerates the regeneration of damaged nerves, restoring motor function and touch sensation.

Damaged nerve fibers (axons) in the peripheral nervous system can regenerate themselves, but complete functional recovery often doesn’t occur. That’s because the Schwann cells responsible for regeneration stop providing support after about three months. If the restoration of nerve function, called reinnervation, hasn’t happened in that time, the axonal injury often results in lifelong incomplete recovery and can lead to nerve or neuropathic pain. ... eneration/
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Re: Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine News and Discussions

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Study introduces improved way to grow cells that give rise to kidney's filtration system ... ation.html
by Keck School of Medicine of USC
In a study published in Cell Stem Cell, USC scientists report significant progress in cultivating nephron progenitor cells (NPCs), the cells destined to form the kidney's filtration system, the nephrons. NPCs hold immense promise for understanding kidney development, modeling diseases, and discovering new treatments.

"By enhancing our capability to grow NPCs from human stem cells, we create a new avenue for understanding and combating congenital kidney diseases and cancer," said corresponding and lead author Zhongwei Li, an assistant professor of medicine, and stem cell biology and regenerative medicine at the Keck School of Medicine of USC.

In the study Li Lab postdocs Biao Huang and Zipeng Zeng and their collaborators improved the chemical cocktail for generating and growing NPCs in the laboratory.

This improved cocktail enables the sustained growth of both mouse and human NPCs in a simple 2-dimensional format. This marks a major improvement over the previous 3-dimensional system, which was not only more cumbersome, but also limited the ability to perform genome editing on the cells.

The cocktail also enables the expansion of induced NPCs (iNPCs) from human pluripotent stem cells. These iNPCs closely resemble native human NPCs. With this approach, iNPCs can be generated from any individual starting with a simple blood or skin biopsy. This approach will facilitate the creation of patient-specific kidney disease models and enhance efforts to identify nephron targeted drugs.
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Re: Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine News and Discussions

Post by weatheriscool »

Spinal red-light therapy protects and regenerates damaged nerve cells
By Paul McClure
May 06, 2024
Directly applying red-light therapy to a damaged spinal cord protects and regenerates nerve cells, leading to a return of motor and sensory function, according to new research. The treatment could expand the currently limited treatments available to people with spinal cord injuries.

Spinal cord injuries (SCIs) caused by things like falls, sporting accidents and road traffic collisions can lead to profound, lifelong disability. Unfortunately, many don’t recover completely, especially if the injury is severe.

The options to repair SCIs remain limited, so researchers have long focused on developing alternative treatments. In a new study, researchers from the University of Birmingham in the UK determined the optimal dose of red-light therapy needed to restore function and stimulate nerve cell growth in an injured spinal cord. ... rd-injury/
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Re: Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine News and Discussions

Post by weatheriscool »

Naturally-occurring peptide shows promise as new therapeutic in bone repair ... -bone.html
by University of Birmingham
Birmingham researchers have shown that PEPITEM, a naturally-occurring peptide (small protein), holds promise as a new therapeutic for osteoporosis and other disorders that feature bone loss, with distinct advantages over existing drugs.

PEPITEM (Peptide Inhibitor of Trans-Endothelial Migration) was first identified in 2015 by University of Birmingham researchers.

The latest research, published in Cell Reports Medicine, shows for the first time that PEPITEM could be used as a novel and early clinical intervention to reverse the impact of age-related musculoskeletal diseases, with data demonstrating that PEPITEM enhances bone mineralization, formation and strength, and reverses bone loss in animal models of disease.
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Re: Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine News and Discussions

Post by weatheriscool »

World-first tooth-regrowing drug will be given to humans in September
By Bronwyn Thompson
May 28, 2024
The world's first human trial of a drug that can regenerate teeth will begin in a few months, less than a year on from news of its success in animals. This paves the way for the medicine to be commercially available as early as 2030.

The trial, which will take place at Kyoto University Hospital from September to August 2025, will treat 30 males aged 30-64 who are missing at least one molar. The intravenous treatment will be tested for its efficacy on human dentition, after it successfully grew new teeth in ferret and mouse models with no significant side effects. ... man-trial/
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