Polio research and treatments

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Polio research and treatments

Post by wjfox »

Super-engineered vaccines created to help end polio

56 minutes ago

Scientists have "super-engineered" polio vaccines to prevent them mutating into a dangerous form that can cause outbreaks and paralysis.

The oral vaccines contain weakened live polio viruses and the genetic redesign locks them into that weakened state.

The US and UK teams have now created upgraded vaccines against all three types of polio.


The original or "wild" poliovirus is now contained to small pockets of Afghanistan and Pakistan and the oral vaccines play a pivotal role in the attempt to rid the world of polio.


Tackling the last 1% of polio cases has proven stubborn. The original goal was to completely eradicate polio by the year 2000 - but delivering vaccines to some of the poorest and most conflict-ridden parts of the world has been a challenge.


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