DeepMind's heads predict the rise of AGI

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DeepMind's heads predict the rise of AGI

Post by funkervogt »

Shane Legg, DeepMind co-founder
I always felt that somewhere around 2030-ish it was about a 50-50 chance. I still feel that seems reasonable. If you look at the amazing progress in the last 10 years and you imagine in the next 10 years we have something comparable, maybe there's some chance that we will have an AGI in a decade. And if not in a decade, well I don't know, say three decades or so.
Demis Hassabis, DeepMind co-founder
So I think that the progress so far has been pretty phenomenal. I think that [AGI] it's coming relatively soon in the next you know–I wouldn't be super surprised–in the next decade or two. ... pts-on-agi
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