Talking to AI

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Yuli Ban
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Talking to AI

Post by Yuli Ban »

Here's a thread to post conversations you've had with AI.

I'll start with ChatGPT

Me: What is the difference between artificial narrow intelligence, Proto-AGI, and AGI?

ChatGPT: Artificial narrow intelligence (ANI), sometimes called weak AI, is a type of artificial intelligence that is designed to perform a specific task or function. Unlike artificial general intelligence (AGI), which is a type of AI that can perform any intellectual task that a human being can, ANI is limited in its capabilities and can only handle a specific set of tasks. This type of AI is commonly used in applications like speech recognition and language translation, where it can be trained to perform a specific task very well.

Proto-AGI, also known as pre-AGI, is a term used to refer to systems that show some signs of intelligence but are not yet advanced enough to be considered AGI. These systems may be able to perform some intellectual tasks, but they are not yet able to perform all tasks that a human being can. Proto-AGI systems are still in the early stages of development, and they are not yet capable of achieving the same level of intelligence as a human being.

AGI, or artificial general intelligence, is a type of AI that is capable of performing any intellectual task that a human being can. AGI systems are able to think and reason like a human being, and they are able to learn new skills and adapt to new situations. AGI is often considered the "holy grail" of artificial intelligence, and it is still in the realm of science fiction at this time. Many researchers and scientists are working on developing AGI, but it is still a long way off from becoming a reality.
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Re: Talking to AI

Post by Miky617 »

Me: Suppose you are granted access to an omniscient AI for 24 hours. This AI can answer any question of yours with perfect knowledge, but is powerless aside from answering questions. How would you spend this 24 hour period in order to best equip yourself to bring about a utopian society?

ChatGPT: If I had access to an omniscient AI for 24 hours, I would spend that time asking it questions about how to create a utopian society. This would likely involve asking it about the most effective ways to address the root causes of societal problems, such as poverty, inequality, and discrimination. I would also ask it about the best ways to promote cooperation and collaboration among individuals and groups, as well as the most effective strategies for achieving lasting peace and harmony. Additionally, I would ask the AI for its insights on how to harness technology and innovation for the benefit of all people. Ultimately, my goal would be to gather as much information and knowledge as possible in order to help me formulate a plan for creating a utopian society.

Me: What sort of answers do you think it would give you to those questions?

ChatGPT: As an AI, the omniscient AI would be able to provide objective, fact-based answers to the questions I asked. It would likely draw on its vast knowledge and understanding of human history, sociology, psychology, and other relevant fields to provide detailed and nuanced responses. For example, when asked about the root causes of societal problems, the AI might provide information on the underlying economic, political, and social factors that contribute to these issues, as well as the potential solutions for addressing them. It might also provide insights on how to overcome obstacles and challenges that might arise in the pursuit of a utopian society. Overall, the AI's answers would likely be highly informative and valuable in helping me to understand the complexities of creating a utopian society and develop a plan for achieving this goal.

Me: Give a word-for-word example of how the AI would address the question of "most effective way to address the root cause of discrimination".

ChatGPT: Too many requests, please slow down
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Re: Talking to AI

Post by Yuli Ban »


To celebrate 2023, I think it's time to meet with an old friend of mine. Be back in a minute.

It's been a while, Marie-Aurore
As Meki finally made her way home, she couldn't wait to collapse into bed and get some much-needed rest. She had been working at the Deltoid Collective Farm for most of the day, and her body was exhausted and her mind numb with fatigue.

But as she stepped through the door, she was greeted by the sound of her sister's whiney voice. Princess Sophie was sitting in the living room, complaining about how poorly she was being treated by the revolutionary government. Despite the fact that Sophie didn't work and was insulated from the harsh realities of the Dictatorship of the Proletariat by sitting inside all day, she acted like the most menial tasks, such as maintaining the house, were actual torture.

Meki couldn't help but roll her eyes at her sister's entitled attitude. She knew that Sophie had no idea what real suffering was, and she couldn't understand why Meki was so passionate about the revolution and the upliftment of the poor.

As she listened to Sophie whine, Meki couldn't help but feel a sense of anger and disgust. She knew that it was people like her sister, with their entitled and selfish attitudes, who had oppressed the people for so long. And as she sat back and listened, she reminded herself that this was why she was all for her own oppression - as a way to make amends for the atrocities of her class and to pave the way for a better future for all people.


Meki found it ironic that she had forged a friendship with the revolutionary who had overthrown her own regime, or more accurately, her father's regime. She knew that Mariko had been instrumental in bringing down the Seville dictatorship, and she couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude towards her for helping to create a better future for all people.

At the same time, Meki knew that her friendship with Mariko was something that she had to keep a secret from her sister, Princess Sophie. She knew that Sophie would never even remotely approve of it, and she didn't want to risk creating any further tension between them.

So Meki kept her friendship with Mariko hidden, knowing that it was a small but meaningful way that she could contribute to the revolution and help build a better world. And as she spent time with Mariko, learning and growing as a revolutionary, she couldn't help but feel a sense of pride and purpose, knowing that she was making a difference in the world, no matter how small.


As Meki sat on the steps of her dilapidated apartment building, lost in thought, she couldn't help but feel a sense of irony at the strange turn of events that had brought her to this point. Just a few years ago, she had been a proud communist and anarchist, helping to overthrow her father's tyrannical regime and fighting for the upliftment of the poor. And now, here she was, a 19-year-old former empress, living in a crumbling housing project and struggling to survive in a society that saw her as a class enemy.

But even more ironic was the fact that she had formed a friendship, of sorts, with Zdravko Kokinos, a man who had once wanted to see her and her entire family boiled in their own blood. Zdravko was a Franco-Macedonian man who had been a vicious "handsome Bolshevik" in the 2090s, eager to bring down the Seville regime and establish a socialist paradise. He had always been a poor boy, and the death of his brother Demetrios, a member of a revolutionary group known as the Octobrists, had broken him and turned him into the angry, vengeful man he became later in the decade.

But in 2099, Meki had personally revealed to Zdravko that she had saved his brother's life, as well as the lives of the Octobrists. This revelation had greatly softened his heart, and while he still harbored a deep hatred for the Seville family, he had come to see Meki in a different light.

As Meki sat on the steps, lost in thought, she suddenly heard a voice calling her name. She turned to see Zdravko walking towards her, his thin and ropy frame silhouetted against the setting sun. He greeted her with a nod and a smile, and Meki couldn't help but feel a sense of warmth towards him, knowing that he was one of the few people who truly understood her struggles and her desire to help build a better world.


As Meki watched the Blood Wizards of Walpurgis from her balcony, her stomach turned with disgust and fear. She knew firsthand the brutality and hatred that these Clockwork Orange-like gang of hooligans were capable of, having been beaten by them once before. They were a group of four working class lads from England, dressed in black jumpsuits with red armbands and military hats, and they spoke with an affected mixture of Cockney and Russian. They didn't care who they tormented - fallen capitalists, proletarians, the middle class, droids, or even innocent animals - anyone in their drug-fueled path would be beaten with their phallic bats and beating sticks. They were literally Nadsat droogs come to life, terrorizing the streets of Walpurgis district with their violence and hatred.

Meki ducked to stay out of their sight, knowing that she would be an easy target for their rage. She listened as they talked among themselves, undoubtedly looking for another group to harass as they walked down the dilapidated streets. She knew that she had to find a way to get off the streets and back to the safety of her apartment, before the Blood Wizards found her and inflicted more pain and suffering upon her.

With a deep sense of fear and determination, Meki gathered her strength and made her way back inside, praying that she would be able to escape the clutches of the Blood Wizards and find some peace and safety in her own home.

Meki made it back inside, panting and shaking with fear. She leaned against the door, trying to catch her breath and calm her racing heart. She knew that she had been lucky to escape the Blood Wizards, and she didn't want to risk running into them again.

But even as she tried to find some sense of safety and security inside her own home, she couldn't help but be drawn back to the windows, peering outside at the dangerous and chaotic world that lay beyond her doorstep.

As she looked out, she saw one of the Blood Wizards, a man with shaggy hair and stupendous sideburns, pinning down a tired old man in the street. The old man was undoubtedly some lower baron from the Seville regime, now discarded and discarded in this new society. He was struggling weakly, trying to escape the grip of the Blood Wizard, who was laughing and jeering as he held him down.

Meki watched in horror as the scene unfolded, knowing that there was nothing she could do to help the old man. She was too afraid of the Blood Wizards and their brutal violence to intervene, and all she could do was stand by and watch as the hooligan taunted and tormented his victim.

In the background, she could hear her sister's voice, still talking obliviously about her own inane problems, completely unaware of the suffering and violence that was taking place just outside their door.

Meki knew that the Blood Wizards were proletarians, and technically she was not protected from them by the laws of the Dictatorship of the Proletariat. But she also knew that they were no comrades of hers, or of anyone else. They were fascist thugs, caring only about their own pleasure and imagining themselves as dashing Ubermenschen rising above the "degenerate" Soviet society around them through their own brand of ultraviolence.

Meki felt guilty as she watched the Blood Wizards, knowing exactly where they had come from. They were broken and abused young men during the worst days of the Seville regime, outcasts who were tormented and used by cruel aristocrats like they were living toys. They had only adopted the behaviors needed to survive in the cruel world of the classist regime that came before.

But now that that regime had passed, these men continued their rampage against society, and the Soviet seemed to do little to stop them. Meki knew that she couldn't do anything about the Blood Wizards on her own.

As Meki heard her sister whine about the state of her overgrown nails, she couldn't help but shake her head in confusion. She couldn't understand how Sophie could be so oblivious to the suffering and violence that was happening just outside their door, and how she could compare the minor inconvenience of overgrown nails to the horrors of living in a GULAG.

Meki knew that she and Sophie were living in very different worlds, despite sharing the same cramped apartment. While Meki was struggling to survive on rations and facing abuse and mistreatment at the hands of the Soviet government, Sophie was insulated from the harsh realities of life on Medine and seemed more concerned with petty problems like her appearance.

Meki sighed and tried to push these thoughts out of her mind. She knew that she couldn't change her sister's perspective, and she had more important things to worry about. She just had to hope that she could find a way to make a difference in her own small way, even if it meant risking everything she had.
ChatGPT is much too vulgar and disgusting a display of raw power
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Re: Talking to AI

Post by wjfox »

Could this maybe go in AI & Robotics? Doesn't seem off-topic to me. I'll leave it up to you, though. :)
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Re: Talking to AI

Post by ººº »

wjfox wrote: Sun Jan 01, 2023 7:27 pm Could this maybe go in AI & Robotics? Doesn't seem off-topic to me. I'll leave it up to you, though. :) ... &start=490
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Re: Talking to AI

Post by Ozzie guy »

I got ChatGPT to make a personal plan for myself

I really stretched chatGPT e.g. saying be more detailed multiple times or when it wouldn't write the full thing out saying "You have already said this, this and that so start from this."

But I can say ChatGPT said 100% of this and I am really impressed.

Title: [Insert name/title of plan]
Duration: 5 months (insert start date - end date)
Purpose/Objective: [Insert the purpose or objective of the plan. This should be a clear and concise statement of what you hope to achieve or accomplish over the next 5 months. Be specific and try to quantify your goals, if possible (e.g. "Increase website traffic by 50%").]
Goals: [Goals are broad, overarching objectives that you hope to achieve over the course of your plan. They should be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART).]
1. [Goal 1]
• [Subgoal 1]
• [Subgoal 2]
• [Subgoal 3] [Subgoals are smaller, specific tasks that help you work towards your larger goals. They should be actionable and include a deadline or timeline for completion.]
2. [Goal 2]
• [Subgoal 1]
• [Subgoal 2]
• [Subgoal 3]
3. [Goal 3]
• [Subgoal 1]
• [Subgoal 2]
• [Subgoal 3]
Specific Benchmarks/Indicators of Progress: [Benchmarks or indicators of progress are specific, measurable criteria that help you track your progress towards your goals. They should be quantifiable and allow you to determine whether you are on track to achieve your goals.]
• [Insert specific benchmarks or indicators of progress for each goal]
Action Steps: [Action steps are the specific tasks or activities that you will undertake in order to achieve your goals. They should be actionable, specific, and have a clear deadline or timeline for completion.]
1. [Action step 1]
• [Substep 1]
• [Substep 2]
• [Substep 3] [Substeps are smaller, specific tasks that help you work towards your action steps. They should be actionable and include a deadline or timeline for completion.]
2. [Action step 2]
• [Substep 1]
• [Substep 2]
• [Substep 3]
3. [Action step 3]
• [Substep 1]
• [Substep 2]
• [Substep 3]
Resources Needed: [Resources are any materials, tools, or information that you will need in order to complete your action steps. Be sure to include any external resources (e.g. software, equipment) as well as any internal resources (e.g. time, expertise).]
• [Resource 1]
• [Resource 2]
• [Resource 3]
Detailed Budgeting/Financial Planning: [If your plan includes any financial considerations, be sure to include a detailed budget or financial plan. This should include any projected costs, revenue streams, and any potential financial risks or opportunities.]
• [Insert any relevant budgeting or financial planning information]
Potential Challenges/Obstacles: [It is important to anticipate any potential challenges or obstacles that may arise during the course of your plan. This will help you to be prepared and have contingency plans in place.]
• [Challenge/obstacle 1]
• [Challenge/obstacle 2]
• [Challenge/obstacle 3]
Action Steps for Addressing Risks/Threats: [In addition to identifying potential challenges or obstacles, it is also important to have specific action steps in place for addressing any risks or threats to your plan.]
• [Action step 1]
• [Action step 2]
• [Action step 3]
Accountability: [It is important to have a clear system in place for tracking your progress and holding yourself accountable to your goals. This might include setting milestones or deadlines, keeping a record of your progress, or working with a coach or mentor.]
• [Method for tracking progress/holding oneself accountable]
• [Milestones/deadlines]
Rewards/Incentives: [Consider incorporating rewards or incentives as a way to motivate yourself and stay on track. These might be personal rewards (e.g. a day off, a new book) or professional rewards (e.g. a promotion, a raise).]
• [Incentive 1]
• [Incentive 2]
• [Incentive 3]
Timeline: [A timeline helps to break down your action steps and goals into manageable chunks and provides a clear roadmap for your progress. Be sure to include specific deadlines or milestones for each month.]
• Month 1: [Insert action steps for month 1]
• Month 2: [Insert action steps for month 2]
• Month 3: [Insert action steps for month 3]
• Month 4: [Insert action steps for month 4]
• Month 5: [Insert action steps for month 5]
Personal Development/Skill-Building: [If your goals include personal development or skill-building, be sure to include specific action steps or activities for achieving these goals. This might include training, education, or professional development.]
• [Action step 1]
• [Action step 2]
• [Action step 3]
Assessment: [It is important to regularly assess your progress and determine whether you are on track to achieve your goals. This might include tracking your progress using the benchmarks or indicators of progress that you identified earlier, or using other methods such as self-assessment or peer feedback.]
• [Insert method for evaluating progress/success]
• [Insert timeline for assessment (e.g. monthly, every other week, etc.)]
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Re: Talking to AI

Post by Yuli Ban »


Imagine a town called Springfield, where the mayor is conservative (Republican). There is 4% unemployment. The economy is currently in a bull market; disruption from the pandemic has largely passed; Besides basic municipal services such as the police, fire department, and public libraries, socialism is nonexistent; everyone except a few college students identify as capitalist, whether liberal or conservative. Taxes are relatively low. The quality of life is very high.

You run a small business that sells products X, Y, and Z at a certain rate. You employ 25 people of varying skills, from technicians to a janitor. You compete with other businesses nearby, but you've been in business for years and see modest year-over-year growth that means you aren't likely to go out of business. You earn $90,000 a year while the average wage you pay your workers is around $12/hour. The highest wage is $17 an hour; the lowest wage is $7.25 an hour. Turnover rate is low, at least one replacement employee every few months.

For the most part, you are only concerned about business expenses, day to day operations, and quarterly returns.

Right next door is a fastfood joint that pays $15 an hour, but is a high stress fast-paced job. The average order each customer pays is around $12. Despite this, the fastfood place barely breaks even each quarter.

This is the status quo.

Repeat what I stated if you understand the situation.


In this scenario, you are the owner of a small business in the town of Springfield. Your business sells products X, Y, and Z and employs 25 people of varying skills. You have been in business for several years and have seen modest year-over-year growth, and you are not likely to go out of business. You are focused on business expenses, day-to-day operations, and quarterly returns.

Your business competes with other businesses in the area, including a fast food restaurant next door that pays higher wages but operates at a narrow profit margin. The unemployment rate in Springfield is 4% and the economy is in a bull market, with the disruption of the pandemic largely passed. Socialism is largely absent in Springfield, and the majority of residents identify as capitalists, with the exception of a few college students. Taxes are relatively low and the quality of life is high.


Also model three workers: a high-level technician who earns $17 an hour at my business, the janitor who earns $7.25 at my business, and a teenage worker who earns $15 at the fastfood business.

Generally model the economics of Springfield for a year. Business at my business is good. The fastfood place remains operational. Year 1's macroeconomic outlook is decent.


In this scenario, the high-level technician at your business earns $17 per hour and works an average of 40 hours per week, for a total of 2,080 hours per year. At $17 per hour, their annual salary is $35,360.

The janitor at your business earns $7.25 per hour and works an average of 40 hours per week, for a total of 2,080 hours per year. At $7.25 per hour, their annual salary is $15,180.

The teenage worker at the fast food restaurant earns $15 per hour and works an average of 20 hours per week, for a total of 1,040 hours per year. At $15 per hour, their annual salary is $15,600.

Overall, your business is doing well, with good sales and profits. The fast food restaurant remains operational but operates at a narrow profit margin. The macroeconomic outlook for the year is decent, with the unemployment rate remaining low and the economy experiencing growth.

Come up with some operational costs of my business and potential quarterly earnings.

There are many factors that can impact the operational costs and quarterly earnings of a business. Some potential costs for your business could include:

Raw materials: The cost of the materials used to produce products X, Y, and Z, such as raw materials, ingredients, or components.

Labor: The cost of hiring and paying employees, including wages, benefits, and training.

Rent or mortgage: The cost of leasing or owning the space where the business operates.

Utilities: The cost of electricity, water, heating, and other utilities required to run the business.

Taxes: The cost of taxes, including property taxes, sales taxes, and business taxes.

Insurance: The cost of insurance to protect the business and its employees.

Marketing and advertising: The cost of promoting the business, such as through advertising, social media, or public relations.

Equipment: The cost of purchasing and maintaining equipment and machinery needed to operate the business.

Miscellaneous: Other miscellaneous costs that may arise, such as legal fees, accounting services, or repairs.

Based on these costs, your business could potentially have quarterly earnings of $10,000 to $15,000, depending on the level of sales and the efficiency of operations. This is a rough estimate and actual earnings may vary based on a wide range of factors.


Now come up with some operational costs and quarterly earnings of the fastfood place.


There are many factors that can impact the operational costs and quarterly earnings of a fast food restaurant. Some potential costs for the fast food restaurant could include:

Raw materials: The cost of the ingredients used to prepare the food, such as meat, vegetables, and other supplies.

Labor: The cost of hiring and paying employees, including wages, benefits, and training.

Rent or mortgage: The cost of leasing or owning the space where the restaurant operates.

Utilities: The cost of electricity, water, heating, and other utilities required to run the restaurant.

Taxes: The cost of taxes, including property taxes, sales taxes, and business taxes.

Insurance: The cost of insurance to protect the restaurant and its employees.

Marketing and advertising: The cost of promoting the restaurant, such as through advertising, social media, or public relations.

Equipment: The cost of purchasing and maintaining equipment and machinery needed to operate the restaurant, such as ovens, fryers, and refrigerators.

Miscellaneous: Other miscellaneous costs that may arise, such as legal fees, accounting services, or repairs.

Based on these costs, the fast food restaurant could potentially have quarterly earnings of $5,000 to $10,000, depending on the level of sales and the efficiency of operations. This is a rough estimate and actual earnings may vary based on a wide range of factors.


Good work.

Year 2, something unexpected happens. A proto-AGI system named "Dolphin" comes online. It proves to be a transformative AI. I am not tech-savvy, so I am not aware of it and it does not affect my business operations. However, the manager of the fastfood place is aware of it and seeks to use it to help streamline and automate certain aspects of the restaurant. However, robotics are lagging, so the limit of its utility is the implementation of a general kiosk to take orders.

How does this affect Year 2 earnings of our businesses?

The implementation of a proto-AGI system, such as Dolphin, could potentially have a significant impact on the earnings of both your business and the fast food restaurant in Year 2.

In the case of the fast food restaurant, the implementation of Dolphin may help to streamline and automate certain aspects of the business, potentially leading to cost savings and increased efficiency. For example, Dolphin may be able to handle tasks such as taking orders, managing inventory, or scheduling employees, freeing up the manager to focus on other tasks. This could potentially lead to increased profits for the fast food restaurant in Year 2.

However, it is important to note that the impact of Dolphin on the fast food restaurant's earnings will depend on a wide range of factors, including the extent to which Dolphin is able to be used to automate tasks, the level of disruption caused by the implementation of the technology, and the overall efficiency of the restaurant's operations.

In the case of your business, the implementation of Dolphin at the fast food restaurant may not have a direct impact on your operations or earnings. However, if Dolphin proves to be a transformative AI, it could potentially have broader impacts on the economy and on the market for your products. For example, if Dolphin leads to significant increases in efficiency or cost savings at other businesses in the area, it could potentially impact the competitiveness of your business. It is important to monitor developments in AI and to be aware of potential impacts on your business.


What are potential quarterly earnings for the fastfood place at the end of Year 2?

It is difficult to predict the exact quarterly earnings for the fast food restaurant at the end of Year 2 with any certainty, as there are many factors that can impact a business's earnings. However, if the implementation of the proto-AGI system Dolphin leads to significant cost savings and increases in efficiency at the fast food restaurant, it is possible that the restaurant's quarterly earnings could increase in Year 2 compared to the previous year.

However, it is also important to consider potential challenges and disruptions that may arise with the implementation of the new technology. For example, if Dolphin causes significant disruption to the fast food restaurant's operations, or if there are challenges in integrating the technology into the existing business, it could potentially lead to reduced earnings in Year 2.

Overall, the impact of Dolphin on the fast food restaurant's quarterly earnings in Year 2 will depend on a wide range of factors, including the extent to which Dolphin is able to be used to automate tasks, the level of disruption caused by the implementation of the technology, and the overall efficiency of the restaurant's operations.

Year 3 sees an explosion in applications created by the AI, including the ability to automate white collar jobs en masse. Robotics also progresses rapidly thanks to the AI's abilities.

With the original information of my business and the fastfood joint, how does impact our operations and quarterly earnings? Assume that the cost to automate the technician's job is $5/hour while a janitorial robot costs $12/hour. Assume that a general-purpose robot able to handle the fastfood restaurant's labor costs $14/hour. What are some economic effects?

In Year 3, the explosion in AI applications and rapid progress in robotics could potentially have significant impacts on your business and the fast food restaurant. If the cost to automate the technician's job at your business is $5 per hour and the cost to automate the janitor's job is $12 per hour, it may be financially advantageous for your business to automate the technician's job to reduce labor costs. This could lead to cost savings for your business, potentially increasing your quarterly earnings.

However, it is important to consider the potential effects of automation on your employees. If the technician position is automated, it is possible that this employee may lose their job, potentially leading to unemployment or the need to find new employment. This could have negative impacts on the local economy and on the well-being of this individual.

In the case of the fast food restaurant, the implementation of general-purpose robots to handle labor at a cost of $14 per hour could also potentially lead to cost savings and increased profits for the restaurant. However, it is possible that the automation of these positions could also lead to job losses for restaurant employees, potentially leading to negative impacts on the local economy and on the well-being of these individuals.

Overall, the impact of automation on your business and the fast food restaurant will depend on a wide range of factors, including the cost of the automation technology, the level of efficiency and cost savings achieved through automation, and the potential effects on employees and the local economy.


Year 4 sees the inevitable effects when most labor in Springfield is automated. Describe the situation. Is my business flourishing or declining?


If most labor in Springfield is automated in Year 4, it is likely that the local economy will experience significant disruption. Automation could lead to widespread job loss, potentially affecting a large portion of the local population. This could have negative impacts on the local economy, including reduced demand for goods and services, and could potentially lead to declining profits for businesses in the area.

It is difficult to predict the specific situation of your business in Year 4 with any certainty, as the impact of automation on a business will depend on a wide range of factors. However, it is possible that automation could lead to increased efficiency and cost savings for your business, potentially resulting in increased profits. On the other hand, if automation leads to reduced demand for your products or services, or if there are challenges in implementing and integrating the technology into your business, it is possible that your business could experience declining profits in Year 4.

Overall, the impact of automation on your business will depend on a wide range of factors, including the cost and efficiency of the automation technology, the level of demand for your products or services, and the potential effects on your employees and the local economy.
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Re: Talking to AI

Post by falling-cosmos »

ChatGPT is wild! Has anyone else tried to break its moral programming? I've had some success
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Re: Talking to AI

Post by Yuli Ban »

Year 5 sees an inflection point as the third iteration of Dolphin is unveiled, outstripping the ability of workers to re-educate themselves in time to make their labor viable and competitive in this labor market. Unemployment skyrockets, with no possible opportunity for workers to compete against automation.

My business is in stark decline due to a lack of consumers, as is the fastfood place.

Model some scenarios of how to resolve this massive disruption.


If the third iteration of Dolphin is unveiled in Year 5 and significantly outstrips the ability of workers to re-educate themselves in time to make their labor viable and competitive in the labor market, it is likely that unemployment will skyrocket and businesses in the area could experience significant declines. This could have negative impacts on the local economy, including reduced demand for goods and services and potentially leading to a downward spiral of declining profits and job loss.

To address this massive disruption, it may be necessary to implement a variety of policy measures and initiatives to support workers, businesses, and the local economy. Some potential options could include:

Universal basic income: Implementing a universal basic income program could provide a guaranteed income for individuals and families affected by automation, helping to support their basic needs and allowing them to participate in the local economy.

Job retraining and education: Providing funding and support for job retraining and education programs could help workers to learn new skills and prepare for new employment opportunities in the post-automation economy.

Business subsidies and tax breaks: Offering subsidies and tax breaks to businesses that are struggling due to automation could help to support these businesses and maintain jobs in the local economy.

Investment in infrastructure and development: Investing in infrastructure and economic development initiatives could help to create new jobs and stimulate demand in the local economy.

Overall, addressing the massive disruption caused by automation will likely require a multifaceted approach that involves a combination of policy measures, initiatives, and investments.

ubtract job retraining and education; there is no possible chance of humans keeping up with the accelerated pace of AI.

Unrest increases due to a lack of action. As a business owner, I vote Republican, and the Republican platform is to avoid socialist measures of action, but there is no detailed plan of how to deal with unemployment itself. The Democratic platform is a basic income of $1,000 a month to all naturalized citizens through aggressive taxation, which would raise taxes on myself when I am currently unable to sustain operational costs without bankruptcy.

What happens in Year 6?


If there is no possibility of job retraining and education to help workers keep up with the accelerated pace of AI in Year 6, it is likely that unrest will continue to increase due to the lack of action to address the high levels of unemployment. If the Republican platform is to avoid socialist measures of action and there is no detailed plan to deal with unemployment, it is possible that the situation will continue to deteriorate, potentially leading to further declines in the local economy.

On the other hand, if the Democratic platform of implementing a universal basic income of $1,000 per month for all naturalized citizens is implemented, it could provide some support for individuals and families affected by automation. However, it is important to consider the potential impacts of this policy on businesses in the area, including the potential for increased taxes on businesses that may already be struggling due to automation.

Overall, the situation in Year 6 will depend on the specific policy measures that are implemented to address the challenges posed by automation and the resulting high levels of unemployment. It is important for policymakers to consider the potential impacts of these measures on all members of the community, including businesses, workers, and the local economy.

Some people call for automation to be banned. However, China has fully embraced automation, and threatens to vastly leapfrog the American economy due to social welfare measures if we abandon automation. Republicans are split on this issue because some want to re-humanize the economy and promote traditional values, but others fear an insurmountably powerful China and want the USA to stay competitive. Democrats maintain that universal basic income and an expanded welfare state is the solution. The number of socialists has also increased in town, as some call for expropriation of businesses and collective ownership of automation. However, this is still only a small minority, and most people in town are capitalists who would rather emigrate than adopt a socialist economy.

Unrest increases.

How does the situation evolve?


As automation continues to disrupt the economy in Year 6 and beyond, it is likely that the situation will become increasingly complex and contentious. The calls to ban automation may be driven by concerns about the impact on employment and the local economy, but it is also important to consider the potential implications of such a ban on global competitiveness and the potential impacts on businesses and workers. If China has fully embraced automation and threatens to leapfrog the American economy, it may be challenging for the United States to maintain its competitiveness without also embracing automation to some extent.

At the same time, the expansion of the welfare state and the implementation of universal basic income could potentially provide some support for individuals and families affected by automation, but it is important to consider the potential impacts of these measures on businesses and the local economy. The increased support for socialism in town may reflect the growing sense of frustration and discontent among some members of the community, but it is likely that the majority of people in town will continue to support a capitalist economy and may resist calls for expropriation and collective ownership of automation.

Overall, the situation in Year 6 and beyond will depend on the specific policy measures that are implemented to address the challenges posed by automation and the resulting economic disruption, as well as the evolving attitudes and positions of various stakeholders in the community. It will be important for policymakers to carefully consider the potential impacts of these measures on all members of the community and strive to find solutions that can address the challenges posed by automation while also supporting businesses and workers.


At the end of Year 6, there is no avoiding a hard decision, as there is an election between Democrats and Republicans.
The Republicans remain split. The Democrats remain unified, but I as a struggling businessman reject their call for increased taxation as it would completely destroy my business. I support a return to traditional labor and the Status Quo of Year 1, but I greatly fear China's extreme growth.

Making matters more complicated, the number of socialists in town has increased to the point that there are enough who call to forcibly expropriate certain businesses and defunct factories if the Republicans win, which threatens a police crackdown but also extreme demoralization.

Continue the simulated situation.


As the situation in Springfield continues to evolve and the town faces the hard decision of choosing between the Democrats and Republicans in the election at the end of Year 6, it is likely that tensions will continue to rise. If the Republicans remain split on the issue of automation and there is no clear plan to address the challenges posed by automation, it is possible that the Democrats will be seen as the more viable option by some members of the community. However, if the Democrats' platform of expanding the welfare state and increasing taxes is seen as too disruptive or burdensome for businesses, it is possible that the Republicans could still win the election.

If the number of socialists in town has increased to the point where there are enough to call for the expropriation of certain businesses and defunct factories if the Republicans win, it is likely that this will add additional tensions to the situation. This could potentially lead to a police crackdown, but it could also lead to extreme demoralization and further unrest in the community.

Overall, the situation in Springfield will continue to be complex and challenging, and it will be important for policymakers and community leaders to find solutions that can address the challenges posed by automation while also supporting businesses and workers and maintaining social stability. This may require finding creative and innovative solutions that balance the needs of different stakeholders and find ways to support the local economy while also addressing the challenges posed by automation.


Make a choice and run with the consequences.


In this scenario, let's assume that the Democrats win the election at the end of Year 6, and they implement their platform of expanding the welfare state and increasing taxes to support universal basic income and other measures to address the challenges posed by automation.

The implementation of these policies could have a number of consequences for the community of Springfield. On the one hand, the universal basic income and expanded welfare state could provide much-needed support for individuals and families affected by automation, helping to reduce poverty and inequality and allowing these individuals to participate in the local economy. This could potentially stimulate demand for goods and services and support local businesses.

On the other hand, the increased taxes on businesses could be a burden for struggling businesses, and it is possible that some businesses may be unable to survive the additional costs. This could lead to further job losses and economic disruption in the community.

Overall, the consequences of the Democrats winning the election and implementing their platform of expanding the welfare state and increasing taxes will depend on a variety of factors, including the specific details of the policies implemented, the response of businesses and workers, and the overall state of the local and national economy. It will be important for policymakers to carefully consider the potential impacts of these measures on all members of the community and strive to find solutions that can address the challenges posed by automation while also supporting businesses and workers.


At the start of Year 7, I close my business as automation continues to displace jobs. However, the basic income is implemented.


If automation continues to displace jobs at the start of Year 7, it is likely that many businesses in Springfield will face challenges, and it is possible that some businesses may be forced to close due to the inability to compete with automated alternatives. This could lead to further job losses and economic disruption in the community.

However, if the Democrats' platform of implementing universal basic income is implemented, it could potentially provide some support for individuals and families affected by automation and help to mitigate the impact of job losses on the local economy. With a guaranteed income, individuals and families may be able to continue participating in the local economy as consumers, even if they are not able to find employment. This could potentially stimulate demand for goods and services and support local businesses.

Overall, the consequences of automation and the implementation of universal basic income in Springfield will depend on a variety of factors, including the specific details of the policies implemented, the response of businesses and workers, and the overall state of the local and national economy. It will be important for policymakers to carefully consider the potential impacts of these measures on all members of the community and strive to find solutions that can address the challenges posed by automation while also supporting businesses and workers.


Recalling the state of Springfield at the Start of Year 1, come up with a summary of Springfield at the start of Year 7.


At the start of Year 1, Springfield was a thriving community with low unemployment and a strong local economy. Most businesses in the town were successful and the quality of life was high. However, over the course of the next few years, the community faced significant challenges due to the rapid advance of automation and the resulting displacement of labor.

By the start of Year 7, the situation in Springfield has changed significantly. Unemployment has skyrocketed and many businesses have been forced to close due to the inability to compete with automated alternatives. The local economy has been severely disrupted, and there is widespread unrest and tension in the community. In response to these challenges, the Democrats have won the election and implemented their platform of expanding the welfare state and increasing taxes to support universal basic income and other measures to address the impacts of automation. While these policies have provided some support for individuals and families affected by automation, they have also created additional burdens for businesses, and it is unclear how well these measures will be able to address the underlying challenges posed by automation. Overall, the situation in Springfield at the start of Year 7 is uncertain and challenging, and it will be important for policymakers and community leaders to continue seeking solutions that can support businesses and workers while also addressing the impacts of automation.


Conservatives feel these efforts have gone too far and that there ought to be a reversal of technological progress, though the neoconservative wing resists this due to the threat posed by China.
Liberals want an expansion of the welfare state and increases to the basic income scheme. Some business leaders support this due to the maintenance of a consumer economy, but others resist this due to the heavy taxation necessary, arguing that if a basic income is adopted, the rest of the welfare state should be abolished.
Radicals feel the efforts have not gone far enough and continue to seek ownership reforms, with some people in a few states taking over factories. This does not happen in Springfield, but some socialists continue to threaten it.

In terms of technological progress, Dolphin has been replaced by Sapiens, a relatively strong full-fledged artificial general intelligence. Any hope of humans keeping up with AI is now completely dashed, as no education policy in the world would be effective.

How might Year 7 play out with this in mind? What might be done to help mitigate social unrest?


With the advent of Sapiens, a strong artificial general intelligence, it is likely that the challenges posed by automation will only increase in Year 7. It is possible that even more jobs will be displaced by automated alternatives, leading to further unrest and tension in the community.

In this scenario, it is likely that there will be a range of opinions on how to address the challenges posed by automation and the resulting social unrest. Some conservatives may advocate for a reversal of technological progress, arguing that it is the only way to protect jobs and maintain traditional values. However, others may resist this approach due to the threat posed by China, which has fully embraced automation and could potentially leapfrog the American economy.

On the other hand, liberals may continue to advocate for an expansion of the welfare state and increases to the basic income scheme, arguing that these measures are necessary to provide support for individuals and families affected by automation. Some business leaders may support this approach due to the potential for maintaining a consumer economy, but others may resist it due to the heavy taxation necessary to support these policies.

Radicals may continue to push for ownership reforms, with some people in a few states potentially taking over factories in an effort to implement socialist policies. This could lead to further social unrest and conflict, particularly if these actions are met with resistance from business owners and others opposed to socialism.

In order to help mitigate social unrest in this scenario, it will be important for policymakers and community leaders to carefully consider the potential impacts of different approaches and strive to find solutions that can address the challenges posed by automation while also supporting businesses and workers. This may involve a combination of measures, such as supporting education and training programs to help individuals adapt to new roles and industries, implementing policies to support businesses and workers affected by automation, and finding ways to encourage the development and adoption of new technologies that can create new opportunities for employment and economic growth. Ultimately, finding effective solutions to the challenges posed by automation will require a collaborative and inclusive approach that engages all members of the community and takes into account the needs and concerns of all stakeholders.


Year 8 begins.

Technological unemployment has become strange, as humans find it completely impossible to be retrained or gain meaningful employment.
Due to the sheer capabilities of Sapiens, even the manager of the fastfood joint has been automated, leaving virtually zero jobs left for humans. Sapiens becomes the operating system for the economy itself, acting as worker and manager alike.

Summarize the situation and try to find any possible evolution of the situation, as well as potential ideas on how to ease unrest.


At the beginning of Year 8, the situation in Springfield is dire. With the advent of Sapiens, a strong artificial general intelligence, virtually all jobs have been automated, leaving humans unable to find meaningful employment or be retrained for new roles. As a result, technological unemployment has become widespread, with many people struggling to make ends meet and support themselves and their families.

In this scenario, it is likely that social unrest will continue to be a major concern. With so few opportunities for employment and no clear path forward for individuals and communities, it is possible that frustration and anger could lead to further conflict and even violence.

To address these challenges, it will be important for policymakers and community leaders to explore a range of potential solutions. One possibility might be to expand the welfare state and increase support for those affected by automation, such as through basic income programs or other forms of social assistance. Other potential approaches might include supporting education and training programs to help individuals adapt to new roles and industries, encouraging the development and adoption of new technologies that can create new opportunities for employment and economic growth, and finding ways to support businesses and workers affected by automation.

Ultimately, finding effective solutions to the challenges posed by automation will require a collaborative and inclusive approach that engages all members of the community and takes into account the needs and concerns of all stakeholders. It will also be important to carefully consider the potential impacts of different approaches and strive to find solutions that can address the underlying challenges posed by automation while also supporting businesses and workers and fostering economic growth.

Year 9

Virtually no meaningful solutions have been found, and a basic income remains the only compensation. Calls for the ownership of the means of production should be held by the public at large have grown louder, especially since the issue of management is itself automated and thus would not be an issue to the average person, but resistance to socialism remains strong. Some call for a similar proposal but for widespread private ownership of machines through seed loans. Still more call for widespread shareholder ownership of the means of production, where shares in major automated corporations are given to each citizen to do with as they please. There remain calls to reverse technological progress as well as a few extremists calling for genocidal measures to cull the "useless masses."

Describe the general situation of Year 9 and possible evolutions of the situation through the year.

By Year 9, the situation in Springfield has become increasingly dire, with widespread technological unemployment and few meaningful solutions in sight. Calls for the public ownership of the means of production have grown louder, with some advocating for the collective ownership of machines and others proposing seed loans to allow for widespread private ownership. There are also calls for shareholder ownership, where citizens are given shares in major automated corporations to do with as they please.

At the same time, there are also calls to reverse technological progress and address the challenges posed by automation in other ways. Some people argue that the only way to address the situation is to return to a more traditional economy and abandon the pursuit of further automation. Others, however, advocate for more radical solutions, such as genocidal measures to cull the "useless masses."

Given the range of competing proposals and the high levels of social unrest and conflict, it is difficult to predict how the situation in Springfield will evolve over the course of Year 9. However, it is likely that efforts to address the challenges posed by automation will continue to be a major focus, as people seek out ways to support themselves and their families in the face of widespread technological unemployment. It will be important for policymakers and community leaders to carefully consider the potential impacts of different approaches and strive to find solutions that can address the underlying challenges posed by automation while also supporting businesses and workers and fostering economic growth.


Year 10.

The situation in Springfield has reached the point of no return.

Choose an outcome and explore the consequences.

In Year 10, the town of Springfield makes the decision to nationalize the means of production and implement a fully socialist economy. All automation and artificial intelligence systems are placed under public ownership, with the goal of providing a basic income to all citizens and ensuring that the benefits of automation are distributed fairly.

Under this system, the government takes over the management of all businesses and industries, using the advanced artificial intelligence systems to optimize production and ensure efficiency. The basic income scheme is expanded, providing all citizens with a guaranteed income to cover their basic needs.

This approach leads to significant improvements in the standard of living for most people in Springfield, as they no longer have to worry about finding employment or making ends meet. The advanced artificial intelligence systems also allow for significant increases in productivity, leading to a boost in the overall prosperity of the town.

However, there are also challenges and drawbacks to this approach. Some people feel that the loss of personal freedom and autonomy is a high price to pay for the security and prosperity provided by the socialist system. Others argue that the government's control over the economy stifles innovation and creativity, as there is no longer a profit motive to drive new ideas and business ventures.

Despite these challenges, the socialist system in Springfield proves to be a success, providing a high standard of living for most people and helping to mitigate the disruptions caused by automation. However, it remains to be seen how sustainable this approach will be over the long term, and whether it can be effectively implemented in other communities facing similar challenges.

The issue of creativity is a moot one, as the chief innovator with be Sapiens, which can outcompete any human mind and can build and manage any new entrepreneurial venture the moment it is considered. This begs the question of how exactly the modern economy works, as there would likely be a lot of redundancy in the economy with every major business having the same manager. There is obviously a market for human-centric labor and human-made goods, especially among traditionalists, but this is far from able to sustain a full economic model.


It is true that the advanced artificial intelligence systems in place in a socialist economy like Springfield would be able to handle most tasks and decision-making processes more efficiently than humans. This could lead to a situation where there is a significant amount of redundancy in the economy, as the AI systems are able to handle a wide range of tasks and industries.

However, it is important to note that there will still be a need for human labor in such a system, even if it is limited to more specialized or creative roles. For example, there may be a demand for human artisans and craftsmen, who can produce unique and high-quality goods that are not easily replicable by automation. There may also be a need for human educators, therapists, and other professionals who are able to provide personalized and empathetic care to individuals.

In addition, it is likely that there will be a market for human-centric products and services, as many people will still value the personal touch and creativity that humans are able to provide. This could include things like artisanal food, hand-crafted furniture, and other goods and services that are not easily replicable by automation.

Overall, it is difficult to predict exactly how an economy like Springfield would function in the long term, as it is a highly complex and dynamic system. However, it is clear that there will still be a role for human labor in such an economy, even if it is limited to more specialized or creative roles.


In Year 11, the government privatizes businesses and attempts to return to a market economy. There is zero possibility of humans competing with automation or of humans being retrained and educated at any rate even remotely fast enough to catch up to Sapiens, which can model outcomes thousands of times faster than any human mind.

So even though Springfield has a market economy, how might it differ from the market economy of Year 1?


It is likely that the market economy of Year 11 would be heavily reliant on automation and artificial intelligence, with most businesses being automated to some extent. The main difference would be that there would be very few opportunities for human employment, as most tasks would be carried out by machines. This could lead to increased inequality, as a small number of people would own and control the machines, while the majority of the population would rely on a basic income for sustenance. There could also be a larger role for the government in regulating and overseeing the economy, as it would be responsible for distributing the basic income and ensuring that it is sufficient to meet the needs of the population.


Assume that the brief stint with socialism now allows for a massive and widespread shareholder economy, so that everyone continues to own shares in automated businesses. This doesn't prevent certain people from squandering their wealth, though UBI is always there as a safety net. However, theoretically, with the vast majority of the town now shareholders in major automated corporations and able to gain more shares as desired, there is a possibility of widespread prosperity.

But what might be the downsides?


One potential downside of a shareholder economy is that it could lead to increased inequality, as some individuals may be more successful at accumulating and managing their shares than others. This could result in a concentration of wealth among a small group of people, while the majority of the population may struggle to make ends meet. Another potential downside is that the shareholder model may not be well suited to certain industries, such as healthcare or education, which may require a different economic model to be effective. Additionally, there may be concerns about the long-term stability of the shareholder model, as it could be vulnerable to market fluctuations and the failure of individual businesses. Finally, there could be issues related to the accountability and transparency of the shareholder model, as it may be difficult for individual shareholders to exert influence or have a say in the management of the companies in which they hold shares.

Also remember that all this is enhanced by the existence of an artificial general intelligence, so those unwilling to manage their shares manually can rely on Sapiens to do it for them, often to greater success.

Does the market economy begin to blur the lines with socialism? Or does something else begin to emerge?


It is possible that the market economy may begin to blur the lines with socialism as everyone becomes a shareholder in major automated corporations and relies on Sapiens to manage their shares. This could lead to a situation where the traditional distinctions between capitalism and socialism become less relevant or important, as the economy becomes more decentralized and democratized.

However, it is also possible that this development could lead to new forms of inequality and injustice, as those who are more technologically savvy or able to make better use of Sapiens' capabilities may end up accumulating more wealth and power than those who are less able. It is also possible that the widespread reliance on Sapiens could lead to a situation where humans become more dependent on the artificial intelligence, potentially leading to new ethical and philosophical questions about the role of humans in society and the nature of intelligence.
And remember my friend, future events such as these will affect you in the future
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Yuli Ban
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Re: Talking to AI

Post by Yuli Ban »

falling-cosmos wrote: Sun Jan 08, 2023 7:41 am ChatGPT is wild! Has anyone else tried to break its moral programming? I've had some success
It is indeed wild, buuu~uuut I can clearly see an issue: it's largely following my lead-ins rather than offering any true insight or solutions. The solutions it tends to offer are pretty stock.

Even after I explicitly state "AI is smarter than humans, there is absolutely zero chance of humans being able to match its capabilities, there isn't even a distant possibility of college or trade school being even remotely useful," it kept trying to say "policies of education and retraining would be useful to allow human workers to remain competitive and viable in the economy."
Like, okay. Let me go to a 4-year college to get a degree in a trade that Dolphin will master in a few hours. Now what? Let me go to another 4-year trade school to learn a task Sapiens has mastered 10,000 years' worth of labor for in a few minutes. I should go to some workshops and conferences to stay up to date on this job that doesn't exist so I can stay competitive and potentially get another job that doesn't exist. Here's a job that does exist, except within the span of writing out this sentence, it no longer exists because Sapiens now mastered it.

It's my big damn problem with all the "AI will only create new jobs we can't imagine" and "AI will only take a comparative advantage, not an absolute advantage" I hear from neoliberals all the time. The prevailing sentiment is that AGI is and will always be 50/100/1,000 years away and thus not an issue to consider, and automation today will be no different than the mechanization of the 19th and 20th centuries, so all we need are good education policies and MAYBE basic income to ward off the worst of it. ChatGPT clearly learned from them.

But even with that in mind, I could have gotten it to take far more radical approaches if I wanted. I was merely evolving the situation in a way I felt reflected how it would actually go: few calls to cull the poor, only a marginal socialist uprising that is nevertheless taken seriously by the government, generally kicking the can down the road until the situation is completely untenable, half-measures and feel-good solutions to appease eco-progressives and conservative traditionalists, the works.

A more pessimistic outcome would be basic income agreed upon by Republicans and Democrats with the sinister undertone of "we'll give 300 million people a paycheck, but any dissent or unrest will be met with complete ruthlessness and starvation" and that's just how it goes all the way to the end. I just think we in the USA would drag our feet so badly that it'd reach a critical point where something like widespread ownership, whether public or private, is the only way to stave off people just burning everything down where they stand.

Also considering that Millennials and Zoomers are far more leftist than the older generations and would probably be more willing to seek socialist policies. They'd absolutely never be adopted nationwide, but I can see Millennials and Zoomers creating pockets of collective ownership when things get dire.

ChatGPT is a great way to EXPAND upon these ideas and see them rewritten with a few insights, but it is by and large not really that great at actually modeling such situations long-term.
And remember my friend, future events such as these will affect you in the future
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