Below are some ideas for general useability improvements on the main site. Not only could these improve the user experience, they could also boost our search engine optimisation (SEO).
1. "Back to top" buttons
We already have a link at the bottom of each page, but I think it would be useful to have an
actual button that appears when you're scrolling, with an option to return to the top
at any time. Many of the timeline pages are incredibly long now, and badly need this.
2. Latest updates - section links
On our main updates page, below the large white heading, I want to create four buttons (each 25% width), linking to each of the main update types, i.e. predictions, blogs, features, plus a "view all" tab.
3. Dropdown sub-menus for timeline sections
This is mainly for mobiles/tablets, but I think the section navigations at the top of the page could be improved with dropdowns, instead of the current (static) boxes and links. It would make the timeline pages a bit slicker, less cluttered, and requiring less scrolling.
If you can think of anything else, please let me know. Thanks!