Future Sporting Events/Venues/Stadia

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Future Sporting Events/Venues/Stadia

Post by wjfox »

I think it's time we had a place to consolidate the various Olympic, football, and other sports-related events.

This thread relates specifically to the (near) future, while the off-topic thread can be used for more general/current stuff.

For something more speculative, and/or in the somewhat more distant future, please consider posting in Culture, Economics & Politics of the Future.

Thanks! :)


Mexico hopes to host Summer Olympics in 2036 or 2040

Mar 25, 2023

Mexico has declared its desire to host the Summer Olympics in 2036 or 2040 and says it already has most of the sports infrastructure required.

Mexican Foreign Relations Secretary Marcelo Ebrard and Mexican Olympic Committee president María José Alcalá met Friday with International Olympic Committee president Thomas Bach, and Ebrard delivered a letter of intent to Bach.

A city or region wasn't specified, but Ebrard and Alcalá said a committee would be formed to support the initiative.

Mexico City hosted the Summer Games in 1968.

Among the countries that have shown interest in hosting the 2036 Olympics, the next Games to be awarded, are Egypt, England, India, Indonesia, Qatar and South Korea.

https://www.espn.com/olympics/story/_/i ... -2036-2040
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