Unidentified/Phantom Drones & UAPs

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Yuli Ban
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Unidentified/Phantom Drones & UAPs

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Here's a thread dedicated to all those unidentified aerial phenomena (UAP) sightings people have had, especially those that are actually drones or satellites misidentified.

Elon Musk’s Starlink satellites are triggering a “UFO” craze
Around the world, social media users are reporting seeing a mysterious row of bright lights gliding across the sky — which many claim to be UFOs. Exciting as it may sound, it’s likely something far less exciting: a chain of Starlink satellites developed by Elon Musk’ SpaceX.
Last week, Starlink launched its latest wave of 52 satellites from Kennedy Space Center in Florida. It has already launched more than 600 of its 12,000 planned satellites, usually set off in batches of 60. They are usually described as “megaconstellations” because they are a group of satellites moving together.
I can 100% understand why people would misidentify these. These really do look ethereal and otherworldly going up.

However I like to think of them as a good example of what a flying car highway would look like IRL more than UFOs.
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Re: Unidentified/Phantom Drones & UAPs

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Now that I can easily access to the old forum again, I'll repost some of these old stories:

From 2014:
Drones Causing Worldwide Spike In UFO Sightings
There was once a time when UFO sightings turned out to be easily identified objects like weather balloons, lenticular clouds, satellites, meteorites, planets, conventional aircraft, weather anomalies and other normal things.

Now, here come the drones, the newest addition to the growing list of misidentified things in the sky that many people claim are ships from another part of our galaxy. (Watch the HuffPost Live video above)

Here's the big problem with all of this: Not only do these unmanned objects look like UFOs or flying saucers, a lot of them are deliberately and inexpensively created to look like UFOs or flying saucers.
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Re: Unidentified/Phantom Drones & UAPs

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2019–20 Colorado drone sightings
The 2019–20 Colorado drone sightings were a series of widely sighted possible unidentified drones observed in the skies of northeastern Colorado and western Nebraska between December 2019 and January 2020. According to witness reports, the
drones flew in grid formations in groups of up to 19 and were visible at
night between 6 and 10 pm. The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), FBI, and local law enforcement investigated the sightings, but have not yet
determined the operator of the drones. Flying drones at night without a
waiver from the FAA is a violation of federal law.
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Re: Unidentified/Phantom Drones & UAPs

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Drones that swarmed U.S. warships are still unidentified, Navy chief says
Drones that hovered around U.S. destroyers for hours off the California coast remain unidentified
more than a year and a half after the episode, the Navy’s top officer
Adm. Michael Gilday, chief of naval operations, spoke about the July
2019 flights Monday at a Defense Writers Group event in Washington.
Gilday said the incident — and other similar sightings — were still
being assessed.
Asked if the Navy had identified the drones that flew near U.S. warships
near the Channel Islands off Southern California, Gilday said: “No, we
have not.”
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Re: Unidentified/Phantom Drones & UAPs

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I suspect it is China.
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Re: Unidentified/Phantom Drones & UAPs

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What’s Inside the Pentagon’s Long-Awaited UFO Report
One of the many curiosities packed into the $2.3 trillion omnibus spending and coronavirus-relief package passed by Congress in December was a stipulation requiring the Department of Defense and the Office of the Director of National Intelligence to deliver an unclassified report on unidentified flying objects to Congress within six months, compiling what the government knows about about UFOs rocketing around over American airspace. The long-awaited first report was finally released on Friday, and though only nine pages, represents the most direct and substantive U.S. government account of of what officials call unidentified aerial phenomena (UAP) ever made public. Below is a guide to what the report contains for those who want to believe — or at least understand what there is to learn from this unprecedented act of transparency from the Pentagon.

What information is the report based on?
The Pentagon task force’s preliminary assessment is based on the review of 144 UAP reports involving observations made by military aviators between 2004 and 2021, but mostly from the last two years. The task force also considered but opted not to focus on “a range of information on UAP described in U.S. military and IC (Intelligence Community) reporting,” since it “lacked sufficient specificity.”

Of the 144 reports, the task force could only determine an explanation for one (a deflated balloon). The rest remain unexplained.
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Re: Unidentified/Phantom Drones & UAPs

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Re: Unidentified/Phantom Drones & UAPs

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Ukraine’s Astronomers Say There Are Tons of UFOs Over Kyiv
It describes a specific type of UFO the researchers call “phantoms” that is an “object [that] is a completely black body that does not emit and absorbs all the radiation falling on it.” The researchers also observed that the UFOs it’s seeing are so fast that it’s hard to take pictures of them.

“The eye does not fix phenomena lasting less than one-tenth of a second,” the paper said. “It takes four-tenths of a second to recognize an event. Ordinary photo and video recordings will also not capture the [unidentified aerial phenomenon]. To detect UAP, you need to fine-tune the equipment: shutter speed, frame rate, and dynamic range.”

So the researchers did just that using two meteor monitoring stations in Kyiv and Vinarivka. “We have developed a special observation technique, taking into account the high speeds of the observed objects,” the paper said. “The exposure time was chosen so that the image of the object did not shift significantly during exposure. The frame rate was chosen to take into account the speed of the object and the field of view of the camera. In practice, the exposure time was less than 1 ms, and the frame rate was no less than 50 Hz.”

Using the cameras, stationed roughly 75 miles apart, allowed the scientists to make repeated observations of strange objects moving in the sky. The paper didn’t speculate on what the objects were, merely noted the observations and mentioned the objects’ incredible speeds. “Flights of single, group and squadrons of the ships were detected, moving at speeds from 3 to 15 degrees per second,” the research said. “Phantoms are observed in the troposphere at distances up to 10 - 12 km. We estimate their size from 3 to 12 meters and speeds up to 15 km/s.”

Traveling at Mach 43??
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Re: Unidentified/Phantom Drones & UAPs

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Re: Unidentified/Phantom Drones & UAPs

Post by Vakanai »

I've actually seen ufos twice before, but I still don't believe that they're extraterrestrial. I'm not going to dismiss the possibility that some ufo sightings are alien in nature, just that I believe mine were earthly in origin. Many ufo sightings in past decades after World World II turned out to be stealth aircraft that the U.S. government and others kept secret, and it would only make sense that many sightings today are also of experimental and advanced aircraft governments don't yet want made public. Never mind the rise in commercial drones and corporate satellites is adding further misidentification to the mix.

Still there are some sightings like those leaked and released from the Navy that don't fit these patterns and seem difficult to explain. The triangle I saw flying once and then hovering in the distance is easy to place with what our military industrial complex might secretly be capable of, but the so called tic-tacs reported by trained jet pilots pose a more serious mystery. I still fall on the side that extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence, but there's enough evidence to show that something is clearly going on beyond just commercial drones and starlink satellites. Now whether this is ET or some government leapfrogging what we think we understand about aerodynamics and all modern aircraft capabilities, or some astronomical or meteorological phenomena we know nothing about but is completely natural, requires further study. But it's fascinating either way, and I'm glad we're exiting the old era of dismissal and denial and actually looking into this very real phenomenon whatever it pans out to be.
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